We’re about to be halfway through season 1 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch! The family-friendly animated series is a spinoff of the long-running and beloved show The Clone Wars, following the titular Bad Batch as they navigate their new life after the war ends. And just because they’re no longer active soldiers doesn’t mean they’re not getting into all sorts of trouble!
So far, their new friend Omega has been a focus for Clone Force 99 as they try to figure out who has a bounty on her.
At first, Omega seemed like an innocent young girl looking for a friend group to call hers, but as more and more has been revealed every week, we’ve realized maybe not all is as it seems. Fennec Shand is after her, and we still don’t know why. But now that we’re inching closer to The Bad Batch finale, we hopefully will get our answer soon.
With 16 episodes total in season 1, we’re now about to get the eighth installment. If you’re here to find out the basics about how to watch and when, we’re here to give you that information. Start planning your watch party now, because The Bad Batch returns tomorrow!
When is the next episode of The Bad Batch?
As previously mentioned, The Bad Batch season 1 continues tomorrow, June 18, with episode 8. Fortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll have any breaks in the schedule (fingers crossed!), so you can expect new episodes to drop every Friday on Disney Plus.
The Bad Batch episode 8 release time
The Bad Batch episode 8 will premiere on Disney+ during its usual timeslot of 12:01 a.m. PT or 3:01 a.m. ET, this Friday, June 18. If you’re on the West Coast, you might be staying up late to check out what the group gets into next, and if you’re on the East Coast, I don’t blame you if you need to catch some shut-eye first!
Keep up with us at Dork Side of the Force for our Bad Batch news and coverage each week.