Star Wars: Visions, the anime anthology series, is the next project set in a galaxy far, far away coming to Disney+.
Premiering all nine episodes on Wednesday, Sept. 22, the series will take fans on an adventure that spans different time periods in the franchise, planets, and even art styles as several animation studios have been tapped for the series.
Whether it’s traversing space with a former Sith or rocking out on Tatooine, Star Wars: Visions has a taste of all the elements that have made Star Wars a pop culture phenomenon with an anime-style twist.
Here’s what to expect from the anthology including episode titles, summaries, and what studios worked on the episodes!
Star Wars: Visions episode titles and summaries
As reported by Inverse, Star Wars: Visions will consist of the following episodes, however, their order has not been confirmed.
Episode 1: “The Duel”
Following a former Sith who goes by the name Ronin, otherwise known as a wandering samurai in Japanese culture, “The Duel” sets up a fight that will draw from Japanese lore to re-imagine this world. This story will be expanded in the novel Ronin by Emma Mieko Candon which releases Oct. 12, 2021.
Animation studio – Kamikaze Douga
Episode 2: “Lop and Ocho”
Ocho is a part of a space yakuza family. Lop, a bunny hybrid, is her companion. Together the two do what they must to protect each other. This episode is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
Animation studio – Geno Studio (Twin Engine)
Episode 3: “Tatooine Rhapsody”
Described as a rock opera, “Tatooine rhapsody,” is a concert episode that will include appearances by Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett.
Animation studio – Studio Colorido (Twin Engine)
Episode 4: “The Twins”
Taking place at the end of the Skywalker saga, “The Twins,” follows two siblings raised by the remnants of the Imperial Army. Yes, we’re talking Dark Side of the Force twins.
Animation studio – Trigger
Episode 5: “The Elder”
Set in a time before Phantom Menace, “The Elder” focuses on a Jedi and padawan. The pair come across a mysterious person who they must oppose.
Animation studio – Trigger
Episode 6: “The Village Bride”
As the title makes clear, we’re in for a Star Wars wedding in “The Village Bride.” Where this wedding takes place and who’s involved hasn’t been revealed.
Animation studio – Kinema Citrus
Episode 7: “Akakiri”
Keeping with the theme of a union, “Akariri,” is an ill-fated love story between a Jedi and a princess.
Animation studio – Science Saru
Episode 8: “T0-B1”
The lone story focused on a droid in the anthology, “T0-B1,” is a coming-of-age story where the protagonist in question discovers he can do and be more than he once thought.
Animation studio – Science Saru
Episode 9: “The Ninth Jedi”
The second episode to be set after The Rise of the Skywalker, “The Ninth Jedi,” focuses on the next leg of the story involving the Jedi Knights and the fall of the New Order.
Animation studio – Production IG
Stay tuned to Dork Side of the Force for more Star Wars: Visions news and coverage.