WARNING: This article contains spoilers for episode 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
After a late-night surprise from Lucasfilm, we were surprised with the early release of episodes 1 and 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you want to look over the recap for episode 1 first, be sure to check out my colleague’s recap here.
Obi-Wan Kenobi episode 2 recap
Arrival on Daiyu
As the episode begins, we see Obi-Wan’s arrival on a new planet in the Star Wars Universe, Daiyu. This planet is very similar to the Underworld of Coruscant, with criminals and lowlifes seeming to be everywhere and the dark sky is brimming with neon aurebesh signs. As he arrives we get a surprise cameo from Temuera Morrison as a clone veteran. Obi-Wan quickly moves throughout the city searching for Leia, before running into a young boy who tells him that a Jedi is in the city, helping everyone who needs his services.
The Fake Jedi
From here the story pivots to an irrelevant Haja Estree who is marketing himself as a Jedi through a series of fancy remotes and magnets to mimic Force powers. Perhaps the most amusing of these is when he attempts to do a Jedi Mind Trick over a communicator and sounds like a brainwashed henchmen himself.
Despite his nefarious tricks and money-grubby scheme, Haja does seem to legitimately help the mother and boy. After they leave, Obi-Wan steps in and exposes Haja for who he is by grabbing his tools. While pressing a blaster to his chest (I suppose it’s a more uncivilized time now) he motivates Haja to give him information on where Leia may be hidden on the planet. Haja tells him to look inside of a spice lab (which feels like a reference a little too close to real life with respirator masks and all). After fighting off two random thugs and cutting himself on a Dathomirian male’s horns we see Obi-Wan find where Leia is hiding.
The Trap is Sprung
Of course, it couldn’t be quite so easy for our rugged hero. It turns out that the Third Sister Reva correctly anticipated Obi-Wan’s behavior. She sent Vect and the other kidnappers to capture him, and after communicating with her they confront him. While their ambush is temporarily successful, Obi-Wan uses a vial of spice given to him earlier by a disillusioned spice dealer to incapacitate the kidnappers and release Leia from the cell where she had been imprisoned. After a rocky start between the two of them, he manages to convince “Her Highness” to follow him away from the spice Lab and into the streets of Diayu.
This confrontation with Obi-Wan did not go unnoticed by the Grand Inquisitor, and he arrives on the planet to confront the Third Sister along with the Fifth Brother another yet unidentified inquisitor (who may be the Fifth Brother’s partner in crime, the Seventh Sister pictured without her mask).
After warning the Third Sister yet again that her quest for Kenobi is ill-founded, the Grand Inquisitor orders Reva to stand down and let him take Kenobi in himself. It is also interesting that the Grand Inquisitor says they found the Third Sister in the gutter, opening up some expectation that she may not be a fallen Jedi such as the Grand Inquisitor.

On the Run
The Third Sister has no such plans, however, and immediately puts out an undisclosed bounty for the capture of Obi-Wan. This causes Obi-Wan to react quickly and purchase a slight change in Wardrobe for himself and Leia as they travel throughout the streets. We see evidence of this bounty being illustrated across holographic communicators across Daiyu, along with a mugshot of a younger Obi-Wan.
As the other Inquisitors are looking for Kenobi, they come across the now-discraded kidnapper Vect, and threaten him with their lightsabers to comply him to give up whatever he knows about where Obi-Wan may be hiding, as well as where Reva has gone.
Leia and Ben
During this hunting time, and as the bounty is put out Leia starts to suspect that Obi-Wan is not a Jedi. Even after he buys her a new outfit, she is not convinced and after seeing the bounty placed on him starts to run across the planet. This running draws the attention of many passersby and bounty hunters.
Leia takes to the rooftops to avoid Obi-Wan but this only allows for the bounty hunters to be able to engage him without hurting others and at a distance. As Reva sits atop a perch, almost pulling out a Batman level brode she sees the blaster fire from across the way and uses an impressive display of Force-Enabled gymnastic ability to close the distance between herself and Obi-Wan.
While Obi-Wan attempts to chase Leia in the general direction of the spaceport he continues to send a short and generally inaccurate stream of blaster fire back at his assailants eventually disabling most of them. As Leia continues to run, she finds a rooftop too far for her to jump, but attempts the jump anyway. In a very Star Wars: Fallen Order -esque reveal we see Obi-Wan painfully reach out to the Force and stop her fall just feet above the ground. After being saved by Obi-Wan they share a heartwarming moment just before they release the spaceport that has been cut off by the Imperial garrison.
Haja makes his return and tells Obi-Wan of a rarely used cargo port just a short distance away that is automated and easy to infliatre. After feeling the scene he runs into the Third Sister tracking Obi-Wan and after she quickly realizes he is not Kenobi she takes the information out of his mind forcefully.

The Betrayal
After arriving at the cargo port, Obi-Wan senses the Third Sister coming and sends Leia on ahead to leave should not arrive in time. He pulls his lightsaber from his waistband and attempts to evade Reva as the walks about the warehouse section with her red blade ingintied.
During this game of cat and mouse, she reveals the galaxy shattered news that Anakin has survived. While this bit of information raises several questions, including how she learned one of Vader’s closely guarded secrets it sets Obi-Wan off his game.
Luckily for him, the Grand Inquisitor arrives and confronts Reva yet again. In an unexpected turn of events, not only does Reva not back down but proceeds to stab the Grand Inquisitor through the chest. This cost her precious time however and allows Obi-Wan the time he needs to get on the ship as he grapples with the revelation that Anakin is still alive. The episode ends with the depiction of Vader floating in his Bacta Tank and the cold raspiness of his voice as the screen fades to black.
Episodes 1 and 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi are now streaming exclusively on Disney+. The next episode will premiere Wednesday, June 1. Be sure to check out all of our coverage on the series, including episode recaps, reviews, and more.