Tales of the Jedi will focus on Ahsoka and Dooku

Photo: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 710 “The Phantom Apprentice” - Image Courtesy Disney+
Photo: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Episode 710 “The Phantom Apprentice” - Image Courtesy Disney+

In a somewhat unexpected (but also predicted by Dork Sided’s Meg Dowell) new series coming to Disney Plus, we get a totally new perspective on a few of our favorite characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars

This new series is a six-episode mini-series by the name Tales of the Jedi and has been confirmed to be released in Fall 2022. This new series is not linked to one singular narrative path or even chronological time period, so it opens the opportunities for the storytellers to create some amazing stories the fans never expected we could see in a series.

The first focus point for the series is Ahsoka, and we have seen several bits and pieces so far for her. The first is less about Ahsoka, but more about her upbringing as a child. We see Ahsoka’s mother (voiced by Star Wars Battlefronts Janina Gavankar) carrying her around as a child and a short shot of Ahsoka with the Akul.

In the later season, we see Ahsoka wearing those akul teeth as a badge of honor so we may get her history of how she got the teeth? We also see a shot of Anakin (once again voiced by Matt Lanter) training her with clones and stun bolts that look extremely similar to the situation that Ahsoka would end up in during Order 66. So it seems that we will be getting a wide mix of moments from Ahsoka’s life including her taking on a yet unidentified sith.

In Dooku’s stories, we see him in his time as a Jedi. He was traveling with Mace Windu and his apprentice Qui Gon Jinn (with Liam Neeson himself returning to voice the character). It seems from the limited footage available that we may be seeing Dooku starting down and traveling down the path to the Dark Side of the Force. This is an interesting path, and seeing a de-aged Dooku with a blue lightsaber is neat. Not as cool as seeing how Qui-Jon learned from his master and perhaps why he choose to stay in the Jedi Order despite his problems with the Jedi Council.

While we only have one season so far announced for Tales of the Jedi, one can hope that we will see more of these stories further along the road.