WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5.
Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 “Part V” was a mix of flashbacks and haunting realities, sacrifices and resilience. It allowed fans few quiet moments to breathe, and so much was packed into a single episode that it warrants a look back.
Here’s a quick recap of everything that happened in this week’s episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Coruscant, day. A long time ago. Anakin Skywalker stands at the edge of a Jedi training room surrounded by windows. Obi-Wan approaches. It’s time to duel.
The two clash sabers. Cut back to Vader. Reva informs him that she has tracked Obi-Wan to a new location.
They’re heading to Jabiim.
The transport carrying Obi-Wan and Leia lands in a crowded hangar. Roken tells Obi-Wan they have to transport those waiting for rescue within hours or they won’t be able to escape — he can’t help return Leia to Alderaan before then. Obi-Wan agrees to help. Then the Empire arrives.
Leia’s droid, fitted with a restraining bolt and under Imperial control, forces the hangar doors to close. Leia offers to help open them again since she’s small and can fit into the space. Obi-Wan receives a transmission from Bail Organa. If he doesn’t hear back soon, he’ll go to Tatooine to help Owen protect Luke.
The Empire lands on Jabiim. They begin firing on the doors keeping everyone safe inside. Obi-Wan agrees to speak with Reva in an attempt to stall the Imperials long enough for Leia to get the hangar door open.

The two former Jedi meet again. We learn Reva was in the room when Anakin stormed in to go after the Younglings. She played dead. She wants him gone; Obi-Wan does not.
The Empire breaks through. In an effort to save everyone, Tala sacrifices herself, and NED-B gets destroyed trying to protect her. Seeing no other option, Obi-Wan surrenders. He convinces Reva to take out Vader now that they have drawn him in.
Leia removes the restraining bolt from L0-LA, opens the door, and boards the transport with everyone else. They attempt to take off, Vader using the Force to take down one of the transports. Reva comes up behind him and attempts to kill him, but he’s too strong. He stabs her through the stomach with her own saber, but that doesn’t seem to be an effective way of killing Inquisitors after all.
“The” Grand Inquisitor is back. He tells Reva anger and a thirst for revenge kept him alive. After he and Vader leave Reva on the ground, she discovers Obi-Wan’s lost communicator. Playing back the message reveals the location of another child hidden away on a distant world. The very child Obi-Wan promised to protect above all else.
Luke Skywalker lies asleep in his bed on the remote world of Tatooine. But he is no longer as safe as he once was. And it’s all Obi-Wan Kenobi’s fault.
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