The Mandalorian Season 3 is on Disney+, one episode at a time, ready for you to watch at your leisure. There have been so many different TV show releases on all sorts of streaming platforms that seem to be following one trend that not everyone seems to be enjoying: the episodes are super long, more like short little movies.
While this trend doesn’t bother me one bit, it does some people. For the people that it bothers, you’re in luck, because The Mandalorian Season 3 seems to be shying away from said horrible trend and giving you shorter episodes to watch.

When it comes to shows, such as The Last of Us over on HBO Max, they debuted with an 85-ish minute-long episode, which got some fans in an uproar. To me, it was beautifully done and well worth the hour and twenty-five minute long viewing period. Also on HBO Max, House of the Dragon has several episodes longer than an hour.
So far, many other Star Wars-related shows aren’t super long. When you take a look at The Clone Wars, each episodes sits roughly at 25 minutes or so.
As far as the premiere for The Mandalorian Season 3, the season starter episode is 38 minutes long, but taking away some time for the credits at the end of the episode, the actual length of the episode sits at 35 minutes and 16 seconds.
Here are a few other premiere episodes from other Star Wars shows just for a tiny bit of comparison:
- The Mandalorian Season 1: 38 minutes and 46 seconds
- The Mandalorian Season 2: 51 minutes and 47 seconds

In all honesty, the length of an episode really shouldn’t matter. In defense of longer TV show episodes, sometimes it just takes that long to get the point across. Maybe there are certain tiny little details that are hard to separate from other ideas, should the episode be broken up into two shorter ones. In defense of shorter TV show episodes, sometimes the ideas and plot is just that good that it doesn’t really and actually need to be that long. For me, the shorter the episode, the better when it comes to shows that are released all at once onto a streaming platform. For shows like The Mandalorian that are released one episode a week, the length truly doesn’t matter!
That’s a wrap on our analysis of episode length times from The Mandalorian Season 3 so far!
What do you make of this? Is the length of the premiere episode of The Mandalorian Season 3 good for you, or should it be longer? Let’s chat all about the length of TV show episodes down in the comments down below! And as always…….May The Force Be With You ALL!