Once again, the Star Wars universe and community is being blessed with some brand new content. Sometimes it’s a show, sometimes it’s a movie. This time, a brand new double-sided lightsaber has been revealed and let’s just this one thing: it’ll certainly put Darth Maul’s sick saber to shame.
What does this brand new double-sided lightsaber look like? Let’s see!
In a recent episode of Star Wars: Visions, “the premiere episode follows a rogue Sith apprentice seeking to evade her old master…the dark side’s influence can’t be escaped so easily, forcing an epic conflict where a new lightsaber is ignited and revealed in its full glory”. Meet Lola. She is choosing to leave the dark side behind and essentially plans on betraying her old master. Although Lola does everything in her tiny little powers to escape the dark side, her old master ends up tracking her down essentially begging her to return to the side of the Sith Lords. The brand new lightsaber that she whips out will become such an integral part of her journey and ultimately surprising path that she ends up taking throughout such a gorgeously done episode.
Sure, we’ve revealed a brand new double-sided lightsaber; you may be asking yourself what color it is, what shape it is and so on and so forth. The total and complete epicness of this double-sided lightsaber stars with the colors. Yes, you read that right; there are more than one color within this lightsaber and we are just absolutely fawning over it. Lola used to yield a traditional red saber; however during an epic fight with her old master, she “strikes with a curved vibrant yellow lightsaber”.

Lola’s new saber really defines her journey of both having paths to both the light side as well as her old ways of the dark side. At the end, when she’s no longer a Sith (spoiler alert, sorry), “Lola’s epic lightsaber proves she’s becoming something else entirely after choosing to follow her own path in the Star Wars galaxy”.
All in all, Lola is a super cool character who we can’t wait to see even further with her new saber!!
That’s a wrap on the brand new double-sided lightsaber that is even cooler than what Darth Maul has up his sleeves!
What do you make of all of this? Isn’t Lola just a super bad a** woman character within the whole entire Star Wars universe? Let’s share all thoughts down below in the comments section together! As always…….May The Force Be With You ALL!!