You (probably) haven’t seen the last of Turgle

Cal and BD-1 seek out a safe haven in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Image courtesy Respawn Entertainment, EA, and Lucasfilm Games
Cal and BD-1 seek out a safe haven in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Image courtesy Respawn Entertainment, EA, and Lucasfilm Games

When Respawn’s Jedi: Survivor first released back in April 2023, there was a lot to be excited about. Players immediately met a new cast of characters and felt heartbreak as they realized most of the characters they loved were elsewhere … at least at first.\

What no one expected — not even the people responsible for creating the game — was that the star character of the game would turn out to be none other than Turgle.

Loud, in the way, and not always the easiest to get along with, Turgle turns into a more complex side character the more the player explores his planet. When asked whether or not the fan-favorite character would make an appearance in a possible future game, director Stig Asmussen said maybe.

“[T]he team love Turgle… once it goes live, once it’s out in the wild and seeing people’s reaction with that, it confirmed and validated a lot of the feelings that we had on the team.”

Turgle is one of those characters you hate to love at first … but grow to love the more you learn about their backstory. Turgle is a classic example of what happens when you reserve judgment for a character until they reveal who they truly are.

While a third game hasn’t been confirmed, it’s very likely that a Jedi: Survivor sequel is imminent. While the first game had no choice but to settle for a closed, hopeful ending, its sequel had the luxury of tapping into the more sinister themes of Star Wars storytelling. Its ending felt much more like a beginning, much like another Star Wars sequel we all know and love (you know).

Whether or not Turgle will return is really up to the developers. Although, seeing him appear in a future Star Wars comic wouldn’t be a bad method for bringing him back either. But also, why not both?

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is available to play now on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC.

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