We all know and love Dexter Jettster from Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. He is the infamous diner owner and chef there who truly made this era of Star Wars one of the best! How he’s getting his own Star Wars story thanks to the upcoming short story anthology From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi.
What will the short story all about Dexter Jettster be like?
In case you don’t know, Dexter Jettster is the diner owner and chef at Dex’s Diner, a restaurant that is featured in the second episode of nine of Star Wars films from The Skywalker Saga. He will now be at the center of his very own short story in an upcoming Star Wars anthology. Recently, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi, there are going to be 40 different stories told by 40 different writers. Dexter will be featured in the 37th story installment.
Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) tweeted that basically Jettster’s story is going to focus on his famous encounter with Obi-Wan Kenobi in his diner, and how he believed that he played a role in starting The Clone Wars. His short story will be called The Veteran and will be told by Adam Lance Garcia.
Help me Dexter Jettster, you’re my only hope. #FromaCertainPOVReturns@AdamLanceGarcia pic.twitter.com/cE2toMmKFd
— Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars) August 1, 2023
In case you don’t remember Dexter Jettster and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s encounter, here’s just a little blurb about it from IGN:
"“His involvement was played out in Attack of the Clones, as Obi-Wan visited Dexter with a poisoned dart he identified as coming from Kamino. Obi-Wan visited the planet, met the cloners, discovered the clone army, and so on”."
Personally, it’s about dang time that Mr. Jettster gets his own little story here. It would be cool to see it play out from his point of view if Disney+ and Lucasfilm ever decided to come out with some untold stories in the form of shorts.
This book, Return of the Jedi: From a Certain Point of View, will feature, like we mentioned before, 40 different stories told by 40 different writers and other people. It will become available and on sale starting on August 29th, 2023. You can find it on Amazon for $32.40.
That’s a wrap on Mr. Dexter Jettster getting his very own story here, among many others!
Will you be purchasing this book, Return of the Jedi: From a Certain Point of View? This would be super cool to eventually do with all of the films because as we all know, there are so many different universes and stories going on within certain ones, that it would be near impossible to run out of things to say, stories to tell, and POV’s to be reminded of. If you decide to purchase this book, let us know what you think of it and what your favorite story is/will be!
As always…….May The Force Be With You ALL!!