The brand new, and already a hit, Disney+ show Ahsoka is all set and ready to go for its debut this Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023! It’s been long awaited and anticipated by all Star Wars fans alike. There has been tons and tons of hype over this show, especially when the official and final trailer was just released a couple of weeks back. However much excitement you have for this show, one thing’s for certain: Ahsoka Tano is one amazing woman in the Star Wars universe who is seriously ready to kick some butt. There’s so much to learn about her, her background story, where she came from, and what makes her who she is today. Once you take a look, you’ll be even more excited for the show’s upcoming premiere!
Ahsoka Tano got her very own solo show! We can’t wait for premiere night!
Let’s get to know as much as we can all about Ahsoka Tano, her life, her story, and everything else that we may or may not need to know about her!
How old is Ahsoka Tano?
After first appearing in the super mega-hit The Clone Wars, it was known that Ahsoka was around 14 years old when the Clone Wars began. When the time of The Mandalorian came around, she was roughly 40 – 45 years old.

What is her occupation?
As we all know from The Clone Wars TV show, she’s the former Padawan to Anakin Skywalker. She then becomes a Rebel Alliance leader, forming the spy network Fulcrum. Throughout the course of the Galactic history as a whole, she then became a pretty formidable fighter. This was obviously before the Empire’s reign changed the course of any and all Galactic history.
What is her family life like?
We really don’t know much of anything about her family and, therefore, family life. However, we do know that she came from two loving parents, Nak-il Tano (Dad) and Pav-ti Tano (Mom).
What else makes Ahsoka Tano so unique?
While she was a fantastic Jedi, one thing happens to her in The Clone Wars that sets her journey back to becoming a true Jedi Knight quite a bit. She is essentially framed for a deadly bombing over at the Jedi Temple. Because of this, she makes the tough decision to leave the Jedi Order altogether and find her own path. This leaves her master, Anakin Skywalker, confused and very much blindsided, just one step closer to becoming Darth Vader.
She returns for one last battle with part of her crew during the Siege of Mandalore, teaming up with clone Captain Rex and Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze. After this, Order 66 kicks off the Jedi purge, forcing her into hiding. She attempts to start a new life as a mechanic named Ashla, but is soon forced to reveal her powers with The Force to those she has since become close with.
Ahsoka ends up allying with Senator Bail Organa. In exchange for her help as an intelligence agent, Organa will help Ahsoka protect Force-sensitive children targeted by the Inquisitorius as seen previously in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ahsoka battles and kills Sixth Brother, using the Kyber crystals of his double-bladed lightsaber to forge her now-iconic white lightsabers.
She then joins the Rebel Alliance. Upon settling a duel with Darth Vader, he seems to remind her that Jedi don’t believe in revenge. Tano claps back with quite possibly one of the most iconic lines ever: “I am no Jedi”.

Overall, I think this could be the best Star Wars-themed Disney+ show out there. It will tie in ideas from The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Resistance, and of course, The Mandalorian, just to name a few. Ahsoka Tano is such a great example of a leader. She’s faced adversity and not only come back from it, but she came back stronger and smarter than ever, ready to accomplish just about any goals and obstacles coming her way.
Ahsoka Tano is quite possibly one of the best female characters in the Star Wars universe, so it’s only fitting that her very own Disney+ show will be stellar.
Are you as excited as I am for this show to begin? Weigh in with your comments down below! Make sure to tune in right along with us, follow along, and stay tuned for some pretty cool updates here on Dork Side of the Force!