Ahsoka is currently three episodes into its run of eight. The majority of the shows main cast is comprised of characters who at one time or another began as animated voices in shows such as The Clone Wars and Rebels. Most notably this includes Ahsoka Tano herself as well as Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla and as some might remember, Huyang the lightsaber constructing droid from The Clone Wars voiced by David Tennant, returning to the role.
One other character making his live action debut (no not Chopper, remember Rogue One?) is none other than the Governor of Lothal, Ryder Azadi, played by the legendary Clancy Brown. He joins a select few Star Wars actors to first provide voice work for a character and to then portray them in live action. Azadi was a Lothal based member of the Rebellion who frequently aided the members of Phoenix Squadron in their battles against the Empire.
However, Brown’s contributions to the galaxy far, far away don’t start there. Brown first joined the saga in 2002 for the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter as the voice of the villainous Montross. Later in The Clone Wars he lent his voice for the force wielding Zabrak Savage Opress and then in 2019 made his live action debut in The Mandalorian as the Devaronian mercenary Burg. Having been cast in this many characters across a variety of mediums makes Clancy Brown one of the most prolific Star Wars actors to date in terms of the number of named characters he’s been.
Beyond this, Brown has had a stellar career. He portrayed the sinister prison guard Captain Hadley in The Shawshank Redemption, is the voice of Mr. Krabs in SpongeBob SquarePants and recently appeared in John Wick: Chapter 4.
Despite this long tenure in the franchise of over twenty years, his turn as the live action Azadi marks the first time we’ve seen his face without it being obscured by prosthesis.
Whether we’ve seen the last of Azadi is unknown at this point. As the governor of Lothal within the New Republic, Azadi has major political significance as well as his personal connection to Ezra Bridger and his family.
Clancy Brown is likely not going to be the last voice actor to fill the boots of their own character in a live action capacity. In fact, based on what we know about the rest of this season of Ahsoka, we know this to be true with the upcoming appearance of a certain Grand Admiral.
What’s your favourite Clancy Brown Star Wars role? Let us know in the comments below! For all things Star Wars, head on over to Dork Side of the Force!