The Mandalorian
Season 3, Episode 7: “The Spies”

More than any other episode in season 3, “The Spies” balances Din Djarin and Grogu’s relationship with the larger story being told about Mandalorians uniting to retake Mandalore and the growing power of the Imperial Remnant.
The episode starts strong with the triumphant and much-anticipated return of Moff Gideon, along with a glimpse of the Shadow Council, which includes Captain Gilad Pellaeon and Commandant Brendol Hux. It is the Mandoverse’s best look yet at the Imperial Remnant’s leadership beyond Moff Gideon.
As for Din and Grogu, Greef Karga gifting IG-12 to Grogu rekindles some of the silliness and father-son dynamics missing at times in Season 3. Grogu walking around as he controls IG-12 is delightful to watch, and Din’s frustration with the shenanigans Grogu tries to pull off is all too relatable.
Meanwhile, the various Mandalorian factions finally unite to retake their homeworld of Mandalore, with a reconnaissance group journeying to the Great Forge. This is an exciting development for the plot. However, the best part is arguably the character moments this journey creates in the episode, especially for Bo-Katan Kryze, Din, and Grogu.
The normally stoic Bo-Katan allows herself to be emotionally vulnerable as she reveals the full story of her role in Mandalore’s fall. In the following scene, when speaking only with Din, she shares her fears about being unable to keep all the different Mandalorians together.
As Bo-Katan struggles at this moment, Din is encouraging and sincere, emphasizing her many positive qualities while also telling her, “Your song is not yet written. I will serve you until it is.” This beautiful and empowering sentiment speaks volumes about how much Din respects and admires Bo-Katan.
During the journey to the Great Forge, Paz Vizsla and Axe Woves get into a fight, and Grogu uses what he learned from Luke Skywalker to break up the fight peacefully. It is a proud dad moment for Din, made even better by the respectful nod that Din gives Grogu, followed by Grogu nodding back at Din.
The episode escalates when the Mandalorians are attacked by Imperial troopers wearing beskar armor, commanded by Moff Gideon, wearing dark trooper armor made out of beskar. Din is taken captive, Gideon sends TIE interceptors and bombers to attack the Mandalorian fleet, and Praetorian Guards slay Paz Vizsla after making a valiant final stand that allows the other Mandalorians to escape. These events successfully raise the stakes for the season finale.