Daddy-Daughter Review: Her favorite episode of The Bad Batch

The Season 2 episode, "Tribe", was loved by the whole family.
Gungi in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 2 exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
Gungi in a scene from "STAR WARS: THE BAD BATCH", season 2 exclusively on Disney+. © 2022 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

Although my daughter has loved watching The Bad Batch, she is eight years old, and it's hard to keep her attention span for each episode and the whole show. I have seen her enjoying Young Jedi Adventures a tad bit more. But there was one episode that was her clear favorite.

My daughter's favorite episode of The Bad Batch was the Season 2 episode, "Tribe." The episode centers on Omega and the clones discovering a young Wookiee Jedi named Gungi, who was first seen in The Clone Wars during Season 5.

As we were watching, Brooklyn's first question was, "Is that Chewbacca?" It was great to see her surprise and enjoyment as Gungi used the Force to reach for his lightsaber. She watched with glee that a Wookiee be a Jedi and was very interested in what would happen.

She loved as the clones explored the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk to see where these fuzzy people came from. Her feelings on Hunter have grown too, as she now thinks, "He's cool for not being a Jedi".

During the episode, the Wookiees and the Batch fight off Empire-supported pirates. She was very nervous that both Gungi and the other Wookiees wouldn't survive as they fought the pirates. Brooklyn then cheered when they all saved the day and allowed Gungi to be at peace with the tribe. Her biggest takeaway during the final battle was that Wookiees are fast!

It has been interesting to see what she chooses to enjoy and what doesn't interest her. But that is the greatness of the Star Wars franchise. There are certain series, such as Andor, that may be intended for an older audience, and there are certain episodes of The Bad Batch that I can watch with my young daughter.

Towards the end of the episode, both Omega and Gungi choose to pray to the tree and nature of the planet so they can be at peace with the planet. I wish in this world, my daughter can continue to have stronger examples of peace and people who are good.

As we continued to watch the series, Brooklyn told me that she was starting to get bored with the show but said something that made me tear up:

"Daddy, I enjoy watching Star Wars and The Bad Batch because I watch it with you." Thank you to Disney and the series creators for this moment.