Omega seeks Crosshair's help in new clip from The Bad Batch

The series 3-episode premiere drops on February 21

Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Omega. Image Credit: The Walt Disney All Access Pages
Star Wars: The Bad Batch. Omega. Image Credit: The Walt Disney All Access Pages

The Bad Batch is fast approaching with its third and final season. That means it's time to ramp up the hype, and the first look at episode 1, "Confined," is here!

Released by Rotten Tomatoes TV, the clip features Omega (Michelle Ang) sneaking into Crosshair's (Dee Bradley Baker) prison cell via what appears to be the vents. She wants to plot their escape, but Crosshair has lost all hope. The animation continues to be stunning in this series with the light and shadow work and small details like Crosshair's shaking hands. Ang and Baker are clearly bringing their A game, and it's neat to hear Crosshair use a much softer tone with his sister, unlike their previous meetings.

This duo is one of the things I'm most excited to get in The Bad Batch season 3. Omega and Crosshair scenes have been few and far between, but when they're together, they're poignant. Crosshair has a lot to make up for with his brothers, who Omega has been trained by. She has the best of Hunter, Wrecker, Echo, and Tech in her as they each gave her their knowledge. Omega paired with Crosshair will make them a dynamic team.

Speaking of Tech, I hope we also get the scene where Crosshair finds out his brother is gone. Tech sacrificed himself in the Season 2 finale, "Plan 99," to save the rest of the Batch. Omega watched Tech's supposed demise (because one of the big questions is if he survived). This poor child having to break the news to Crosshair could be devastating to watch, and I'm here for it.

The Bad Batch's 3-episode premiere drops on Disney+ February 21 with the episodes "Confined," "Paths Unknown," and "Shadows of Tantiss." Check out this first look at the series below: