Tales of the Empire episode 3 recap: Setting up The Mandalorian

How did Ahsoka Tano find out about Corvus? Well, do I have a Tales of the Empire episode for you!
Morgan Elsbeth in a scene from "STAR WARS: TALES OF THE EMPIRE", exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.
Morgan Elsbeth in a scene from "STAR WARS: TALES OF THE EMPIRE", exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ™. All Rights Reserved.

This article containes full spoiler for Star Wars: Tales of the Empire episode 3, "The Path of Hate."

Star Wars: Tales of the Empire episode 3, “The Path of Hate,” is the last of the Morgan Elsbeth episodes. Let’s recap everything you might have missed in this entry.

We open on Corvus. After the Empire arrived in the last episode, “The Path of Anger,” the once flourishing forest planet is closer to the desolate wasteland from The Mandalorian Season 2 episode, “The Jedi.” In the distance, a factory billows smoke, clouding the sky. Morgan’s guards line the streets, and the people are oppressed.

However, this is not the era of the Empire. This is the New Republic, putting us closer to The Mandalorian timeline. A New Republic ship arrives on the city's outskirts with an ambassador named Nadura demanding to be let in. Behind, their droid stays with their ship.

The Nadura and her guards walk through the streets, taking in the situation. Wing, who was once the rightful Governor and was in the last episode and in The Mandalorian, recognizes her. Nadura was from Corvus. However, Corvus has been cut off for so long from the rest of the galaxy that they didn’t even know that the Empire had fallen. Morgan’s guards loom overhead, and it’s not safe here. Wing regrets letting Morgan take over in the first place.

No one has seen Morgan in some time, just her guards and what the townsfolk believe are mercenaries, coming and going. Nadura wants to speak with Morgan, hopeful that this new wave of change in the galaxy will help change things on Corvus. Wing goes with Nadura.

The party enters the compound, where Morgan greets them with her beskar spear in hand. Nadura explains that she has a petition for Corvus to join the New Republic. The only issue is that Morgan must step down from her position as the Magistrate. If Morgan doesn’t comply, Nadura will arrest her. She encourages Morgan to leave peacefully as it’s the will of Corvus’ people.

Morgan points out that Nadura “abandoned” her planet and the work there. Nadura counters that it was slave wages and horrific working conditions. Morgan refuses to step down. She says she has had a vision and must fulfill her destiny.

Before things escalate, Wing steps between the women to try and deflate tensions. Nadura brings up Morgan’s crimes, imploring her to willingly turn herself in for a fair trial.

Morgan orders her guards to kill Nadura, and blaster fire erupts. Nadura’s New Republic soldiers fall fast as they sprint for their ship. Morgan tells Wing to be more careful where he puts his loyalties because the people of Corvus need him more than she does.

As Nadura tells her droid to send a distress signal while she dives into an alley for cover, Morgan calmly walks through the streets. Her guards attach explosives to the New Republic vessel as Nadura dashes for it. It explodes in her face, throwing her to the ground. Morgan’s men head into the forest, setting fire to the trees.

With the world burning behind her, Morgan gives a speech to the people of Corvus. She tells them that their work will save the galaxy as long as they’re under her protection.

Wing runs out to Nadura. She tells him to be brave. As she hands him a distress signal and says help will come, Ahsoka Tano’s theme plays in the music, setting up The Mandalorian episode, “The Jedi.” With that, Nadura passes away.

In a surprise twist, it’s not Ahsoka who answers the signal but the Mandalorian Bo-Katan Kryze. Before Wing could answer it, though, Morgan smashes the device with her spear. Her guards drag Wing back inside the city as the forest burns behind Morgan.

This is where Tales of the Empire “The Path of Hate” ends.