The Acolyte: Exploring Jedi vs unarmed combatants

Episode 3 "Destiny" sheds new light on the series' opening fight
Jedi Master Indara (Carrie-Anne Moss) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.
Jedi Master Indara (Carrie-Anne Moss) in Lucasfilm's THE ACOLYTE, exclusively on Disney+. ©2024 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

We are now deep into Leslye Headland's TV series Star Wars: The Acolyte, but the opening scene in episode 1, "Lost/Found," between a Jedi Master and "an unidentified Force-user" has left an indelible impression as much for its unusual fighting styles and climax as the inciting incident. Mae Asineya approaches Master Indara and demands that she attack her with all her strength. As Indara's drinking buddies roar with laughter, the Jedi serenely declines the challenge.

"I appreciate your courage, young warrior, but I have no quarrel with you... Jedi do not attack the unarmed."
Master Indara

Mae coldly refutes this claim. The duel that she then provokes ends with the master, who refuses to quarrel with her, lying dead on the floor of a noodle house.

For two episodes, Mae's absolute convictions that Jedi are aggressors and that they only draw a lightsaber when they wish to kill have been steeped in mystery. Her grudge is teased out between Mae and Osha's storylines. Mae offers Master Torbin the choice to die or confess his crimes. Master Sol recalls that Indara opposed Osha's training because she was in mourning after the deaths of her family members.

There was a standing doubt in the reliability of Mae as a narrator. She falsely believed that her sister had been killed during the Jedi visit. What else has she misunderstood or misrepresented for sixteen years?

The third episode, "Destiny," shows young Mae as committed to the witches of her coven and undergoing the Ascension. She is bound by oath and the Thread (their version of the Force) to carry on the legacy of the women who see the Jedi as absolute enemies. Despite this, Mother Aniseya and Mother Koril forbid their followers from meeting the invading Jedi with weapons on hand. This clearly ties to the first disagreement of the show. It also recalls the claim of Mae's shadowy Master from episode 1 that "The Acolyte kills without a weapon. The Acolyte kills the dream."

Whatever the truth of Indara's statement, all of the members of the coven lie dead on the floor as the fortress burns at the end of the episode. It is still unclear how this came to be or if they died by Jedi hands at all. However, it's clearly the grudge upon which the dark side master has built Mae's reasons for murdering the four Jedi who came to Brendok.

With the question somewhat answered, it remains to be seen if there is another version of the truth and whether Mae will ever see it. Most important of all, will she accomplish her quest or is it not too late for her to be turned back?