Star Wars: The Bad Batch has officially come to an end with the episode "The Calvary Has Arrived." It was a harrowing finale with insanely high stakes from start to finish. With so much happening, let’s tackle the major points from the episode and explain everyone’s endings.
Needless to say, Spoilers Ahead!
The Zillo Beast

The Zillo Beast finally got to go on a rampage. While sneaking out with the Force sensitive kids, Omega freed the creature to create a distraction. The Zillo Beast climbed out of its cell and broke out of the side of Tantiss. This allowed Hunter and his team to sneak into the base. The Zillo Beast was last seen roaming across the wilderness of Weyland.
After a decade of storytelling dating back to The Clone Wars, the Zillo Beast is finally free.
Nala Se and Rampart

After saying her goodbyes to Omega, Nala Se makes it her mission to destroy the science databases on Mount Tantiss. Omega can never be free as long as that information exists. However, not every villain gets a redemption arc, and Rampart doesn’t choose a heroic path.
He follows Nala Se into the science lab and holds her at blaster point. Forcing her to give him all the information about Project Necromancer, he wants to use it as a bargaining chip. What Rampart doesn’t know is she picked up a thermal detonator on the way. He shoots her in the chest, causing her to drop it. The detonator goes off, killing Rampart and Nala Se and destroying all the information about Omega.
This act cripples Emperor Palpatine’s cloning process, which is why this is still being worked on in The Mandalorian and Palpatine can never make a successful clone in The Rise of Skywalker.
Doctor Royce Hemlock

Hemlock slaps a pair of binders on Omega with himself on the other end. As he drags her towards his shuttle outside on a platform high at the top of Tantiss, Hunter and Crosshair arrive to stop him. She stabs Hemlock in the leg, giving Crosshair the opportunity to shoot the binders off. Hunter then fires upon Hemlock, striking him multiple times and sending him tumbling over the railing to his death.
While it might not be "Death by Zillo Beast" so many fans wanted, Hunter got to avenge the clones Hemlock had tortured for who knows how long, bringing the doctor's reign to an end.
Mount Tantiss

Echo and Wrecker defeat the last of the CX clones in a brutal brawl. Earlier, Echo freed the imprisoned clones, many of whom chose to fight with him to save the rest of the Batch. Grabbing a shuttle, they pick up Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega to escape. The captured clones are now free.
Governor Tarkin arrives at Tantiss to investigate Hemlock’s failure. With the doctor gone, all of Nala Se’s work destroyed, and Project Necromancer in ruins, Tarkin gives the order to shut down the base. All fund will be transferred to Project Stardust AKA the Death Star.
Echo, Emerie Karr, and the Force sensitive kids

Before rescuing the rest of the Batch, Echo and Omega ensured that the Force sensitive kids escaped safely with Emerie Karr. She took them to Pabu where all the now freed clones were also taken. With Hunter and Rex working together to find the families of the kids, Echo gives Emerie an opportunity:
Come with him to Pantora to work with Senator Riyo Chuchi. The information Emerie knows about what the Empire is doing would be vital to Echo and his allies. Wanting to make amends, Emerie agrees and leaves with Echo.
The Bad Batch

Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair and Omega settle on Pabu (with their lurca hound Batcher, who is still the best girl). For the original members of Clone Force 99, their fight is over and they choose to build a life there.
However, years later, Omega is older and wants to fight. Along with Gonky and with Hunter’s blessing, she chooses to be a pilot for the Rebel Alliance. With Tech’s goggles on the dashboard of her ship, she leaves Pabu and her brothers for her next adventure.