While Disney has yet to make a call on Skeleton Crew's future, everyone can agree on the impact of Jude Law's performance as Jod Na Nawood on making it an intriguing show. Even though his villainous turn in the last two episodes and his tragic backstory left an indelible mark on fans, it remains unclear if we'll see Jod again.
Here are 5 reasons why we need more Jod Na Nawood:
1. He's the best antagonist since Baylan Skoll
Jod Na Nawood is just as intriguing as Ray Stevenson's Baylan Skoll was in Ahsoka Season 1. Both characters are Force-sensitive and disillusioned by the world, and both have embraced their darker tendencies. The result is a rebel with a cause, and this makes them both extremely human and relatable. While Jod's behavior has been terrible at times, especially when he verbally put the kids down and threatened to hurt their parents, it's hard to accept that he's irredeemable. Jod is a character you're always secretly rooting for.
2. Fans want a flashback
Creators Jon Watts and Christopher Ford left flashbacks out this season because they wanted the show to be from the kids' perspective. However, Star Wars fans love flashbacks. If we see Jod again in Season 2 or another show, there's a good chance fans will get one of him being forced to watch as his Jedi Master was killed in front of his eyes or learning to survive on his own. There's still a mystery about whether his Master was killed during Order 66 or killed a few years later at the hands of Inquisitors, and a flashback could reveal these details.
Editor's Note: It's been revealed by the creators that Jod was found post-Order 66. We would still love a flashback.

3. More of Jude Law's layered and nuanced performance
Jude Law's performance hasn't received the credit it should, but the scene in the finale where Jod watches the pirate ship crash in complete silence is a great example of his complex portrayal. We have no idea what Jod was thinking and feeling at that moment. As a myriad of expressions passed over his face, it was obvious he was experiencing a flood of emotions. From his terrifying outbursts at the kids to his quiet and contemplative moments, Jude Law kept fans hooked with his performance all season.
4. There's potential for a redemption arc
I wasn't a fan of Jod being redeemed this season because it was clear he crossed the line when he bullied the kids and made them cry. However, it's hard to rule out a redemption down the line. Jude Law has played the character with many layers, and his tragic backstory makes him a victim to some degree. The real question is, where does he go from here? Will the New Republic imprison him, will he turn himself in, or make a run for it? The end of "The Real Good Guys" leaves all possibilities on the table, so a change of heart isn't out of the question.
5. Because I'm still holding onto my theory that Jod will work for Thrawn
Grand Admiral Thrawn is the next big threat to peace in the Galaxy, and Jod seems like the kind of guy who would work for Thrawn in return for a big payday. It would be interesting to see how things work out for someone like Baylan who has broken away from the Empire and the Republic in favor of finding his path, versus someone like Jod, who could decide that his best bet at getting rich is to follow an even more threatening and manipulative person than himself.
Skeleton Crew is streaming on Disney+.