This unappreciated aspect of Star Wars is what made me a fan

There's an aspect of Star Wars many of us take for granted now, but it's what caught my attention as a kid.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. Image Credit:
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. Image Credit:

We all became Star Wars fans for different reasons, and many of us went into our first Star Wars movie or show with at least some idea of what it was about. As a child, I remember watching advertisements for Episode I - The Phantom Menace, but it wasn't until I saw Attack of the Clones in a movie theater that I became obsessed.

I hadn't watched the original trilogy, so it all began with the prequels for me, which was an interesting way to enter the franchise as a kid. I had no idea of Anakin's fate and nothing made sense to me. From the various creatures, ships, weapons, and political issues, I was completely overwhelmed by everything in front of me. I was too young to appreciate much of it, including the beautifully choreographed lightsaber duels which have become one of my favorite aspects of Star Wars now.

What stayed with me long after I watched my first Star Wars movie are the limitless possibilities to explore different worlds beyond your own. The idea of hopping onto a sleek-looking ship and zooming off to a different planet boggled my mind. It kickstarted my interest in astronomy, which I took as an elective in high school. The concept of another galaxy, beyond the Milky Way, which is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of inhabitable worlds stirred my imagination, so I spent the time between the release of Episode II and Episode III immersing myself in the knowledge of space.

As humans, we're separated by borders and traveling has become an activity for those who can afford it, but the urge to explore is rooted in who we are as people. Humanity has been able to thrive because of its ability to adapt and move. Star Wars is for those of us who wish we could hop on a ship or a plane and discover places beyond the limits of our imaginations. From the various species, cultures, civilizations, and environments across the Star Wars galaxy, to its emphasis on traveling, Star Wars lets audiences imagine the impossible.

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Dexter "Dex" Jettster. Image Credit:

Although nowadays, fans have gotten fed up with seeing the same worlds like Tatooine repeatedly, I still remember the thrill of seeing the twin suns for the first time. Since then, we've seen dozens of brand-new worlds across different Star Wars stories, and the thrill of entering the atmosphere of a new planet will never get old. As fans, we often get caught up in what's canon, what's the best show, and what's the best or worst movie, but the franchise has given us so much that we take it for granted. The freedom to explore places beyond our world, in ways humanity may never be capable of, is at the forefront of what makes this franchise so special.

Tusken Raider rides on a bantha below with the Razor Crest in THE MANDALORIAN, season two. © 2020 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Rights Reserved.

In its unique way, Star Wars has made diversity cool and normal. It did it long ago before we even realized it. Star Wars showed us the beauty of different cultures and civilizations, and even though we'll likely never discover another inhabited world beyond our planet within our lifetimes, we should learn to appreciate the diversity of our planet before it's too late.

Although fans always find reasons to fight over Star Wars, sometimes it's important to remember why we're fans, what the franchise did for us as fans, and what it is about these movies that make our lives better. In my case, it's igniting that curiosity about what lies beyond our world, and our solar system, with the hope that one day, we may discover a galaxy full of captivating new worlds and the freedom to travel to them in our very own ships. But until then, Star Wars has us covered.

Star Wars is streaming on Disney+.