GIF Breakdown of the Final Rogue One Trailer


The final Rogue One trailer dropped today, and it was absolutely fantastic! We’ve given you our instant reaction to that trailer, and now we’ll break it down using the magic of GIFs…

Today, the final Rogue One trailer dropped, and it has set the internet afire. Filled with exciting shots of Jyn Erso and the rebels, fighting against the Empire, and of course, a shot or two of Darth Vader, this might be the best Rogue One trailer released. We’ve already given you our instant reaction, but now it’s time to really deep-dive into all the important scenes and action from that trailer.

The trailer opens with Director Orson Krennic’s ship, arriving on the planet where a young Jyn Erso and her father, Galen Erso, are residing.

Once on the ground, Krennic and his forces make their way to Erso homestead.

Galen comforts his daughter before sending her to safety…

…then Krennic and his goons show up.  Neither Galen Orso or Director Krennid look happy to see each other.

Fast forward to Jyn sitting in a jail cell.

Then the Rebellion springs her from captivity.

Flying to the Rebel base on Jedha, we get a glimpse of a fallen Jedi statue. Jedha is a planet that was once sacred to the Jedi.

Here’s a shot of Edrio Two Tubes.

Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus dispatch a squad of Stormtroopers.

Jyn and Cassian fight the Empire on the streets of Jedha. Notice the AT-ST getting involved in the scrum.

We had loads of X-Wing action in the trailer:

Here they are attacking an Empire stronghold.

We even got some space battle action, with the X-Wings.

K-2SO fires on some Imperial Forces.

Meanwhile, the Rebels board the U-Wing, get the Rogue One call-sign, and jump into hyperspace!

Jyn, Cassian, and Kaytoo get into full Empire Officer disguise, in order to infiltrate the Empire’s base.

Jyn and the gang share a moment.

And then Jyn rallies the Rebels.

Switching gears, we have a look at the Death Star in the clouds above Scarif.

And here’s the Death Star in space.

Back on Scarif, the Rebels attack:

Chirrut Îmwe uses his bowcaster.

The Empire sends in the big guns, and the AT-ACT Walkers get involved.

Vader and Krennic have a tense discussion.

And finally, Darth Vader comes striding through the smoke or mist, directly toward Krennic, like he’s got a purpose.

Here’s the official Rogue One: A Sar Wars Story synopsis from

From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves. In theaters December 2016.

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