X-Wing Drone Joins Fleet of DIY Star Wars Vehicles


As we wait to see some Rebel pilots in action in the upcoming Rogue One movie, there’s another type of pilot who’s showing off his X-Wing flying skills – sort of.

French dronemaker (and covert Rebel sympathizer) Oliver C. has added the iconic fighter to his arsenal of Star Wars-inspired drones. A video posted on YouTube highlights his most recent creation that combined a quadcopter’s motors with the shell of an X-Wing fighter, and the result is just as seamless as his past designs.

The spacecraft proves to be impressively durable after it runs into a tree but is able to lift into the air again just moments later. That still doesn’t mean you should fly it on any of Endor’s moons. Take a look.

It’s still kinda weird to see an X-Wing move side-to-side and up-and-down, but the sound it makes seems oddly fitting.

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For those purists wondering, Oliver C. modeled the craft after the new X-Wing model called the Incom T-70 X-Wing, which was glimpsed in J.J. Abrams’ Force for Change video. It’s even got those blue streaks along the side of the fuselage.

If you’re curious how to build one of these yourself, Oliver has kindly posted the blueprints and instructions on how he makes all of his drones, so you can copy his custom design yourself with some spare cash, basic tools and a little creativity.

He also built a prototype version of an X-Wing drone and posted a video earlier this month. It actually looks like something out of the new movie, bizarrely enough.

Judging by his portfolio, Oliver C. appears to have taken no side in the fight between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, as he’s also made a Millennium Falcon, a TIE Fighter and an Imperial Destroyer.

Of course, the question is what spacecraft should he tackle next? I wouldn’t be surprised if he builds a working replica of Boba Fett’s Slave I, or perhaps even a model of the Tantive IV that is chased by his own Imperial Star Destroyer. No matter what, I look forward to the day he builds enough robots to field an entire fleet and pits them against each other in an all-out drone war.

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