Yakface has unearthed a group of Star Wars: The Force Awakens- themed drinking vessels, lunch bo..."/> Yakface has unearthed a group of Star Wars: The Force Awakens- themed drinking vessels, lunch bo..."/>

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Thermos Bottles, Lunch Boxes, & Backpack


Yakface has unearthed a group of Star Wars: The Force Awakens– themed drinking vessels, lunch boxes, and a backpack by Thermos on Amazon. Many of the products feature Kylo Ren or Captain Phasma, and one is blue and sports an X-Wing for supporters of the Resistance.

SEE ALSO: Captain Phasma Lunch Bag Found on Amazon

Check out images of them below.

Last is a backpack featuring the fearsome Kylo Ren.

More from Dork Side of the Force

You won’t find any of these products on Amazon now; they have been removed since Yakface made their report (I searched for “the force awakens thermos,” and came up with no results). The good news is, they’re likely to appear again soon with the advent of Force Friday.

I love these designs. They’re cool and distinctive, more stand-out then a simple Star Wars logo design. I especially like the Kylo Ren thermoses. The last Kylo Ren thermos in the image array has me intrigued with the words printed beneath his lightsaber: First Lord. The word “first” has me thinking that Kylo may be the First Lord of a new order of Dark Side Force users. Regardless, it’s a term for Kylo Ren I hadn’t heard of before, and it sparks my imagination.

I think it’s funny that there’s only one item here that doesn’t have anything related to the First Order printed on it. It doesn’t even have any of the main heroes on it, either, or even BB-8; it’s just an X-Wing, albeit a cool X-Wing on a cool blue background. Either there are more Resistance- themed Thermos products in reserve, or Disney is focusing on promoting the Dark Side for Episode VII.

Which of the above will you collect?

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