Star Wars: Battlefront Goes To Bespin With Lando & Dengar


A new Star Wars: Battlefront expansion pack will take players to Bespin with Lando Calrissian and the bounty hunter Dengar.

A new digital expansion pack for Star Wars: Battlefront will take players to the planet of Bespin, where they can play as two new characters: the old smoothie himself, Lando Calrissian, and the bounty hunter Dengar (via EA Star Wars).

The pack will be available for Season Pass owners two weeks earlier than the official release date, which will be the week of July 5th. This means if you own a Season Pass, you can get the pack on June 21st and acquire instant access to Bespin’s Cloud City, carbon-freezing chambers, Bioniip Laboratories, and Administrator’s Palace, as well as be able to play with Lando, Dengar, and new weapons like the X-8 Sniper and EE-4 blasters.

Lando and Dengar have their own special abilities which will make them useful in combat. Lando wields a blaster, but his primary talent is “knowing the odds and using tricks against his enemies.” Dengar is the heavy lifter of the pair, as he is the first of the heroes and villains in Battlefront to carry a DLT-19, a heavy blaster that promises to pack a big a punch as the bounty hunter’s fist. And that’s good, because Dengar “thrives on being in a fight.”


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In case you’re wondering who Dengar is, he’s one of the group of bounty hunters Darth Vader tasked with finding the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back. He had no lines in the film, yet he’s become a fan favorite over the years through action figures and comic book appearances. More recently, he made a cameo on The Clone Wars in one of the latter seasons, and later showed up in the recent canon novel, Aftermath in one of the interludes. His inclusion in Battlefront is a cool gesture to fans of Star Wars trivia, as well as a nice break from the big heroes and villains everyone knows about. Meanwhile, Lando will continue rounding out the cast of big original trilogy heroes with a promising skill set. I wonder what tricking enemies will involve in gameplay.

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Keep checking Dork Side for more Battlefront updates and images of Lando, Dengar, and the new weaponry as they come in.