A Tatooine Star Wars Tsum Tsum Collection Is Coming Soon

The word from Disney Stores in Japan is a Tatooine-themed Star Wars tsum tsum collection is coming soon to the United States.

Happy Independence Day, U.S. Star Wars fans! What better way to celebrate this special day than with news of a new Star Wars tsum tsum collection coming to us from Disney later this summer?

According to a Disney Store in Japan, a Tatooine-themed tsum tsum collection will hit stores in Japan first on August 4th, then the United States in August 16th (via Anakin and His Angel). The new plushes will consist of Ben Kenobi, a sandtrooper, a dewback, Greedo, a Jawa, and a Tusken Raider.

via @chi.ho_ on Instagram

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These little tsum tsums, which range in size from mini to medium to large, are making waves because of their cute interpretations of classic characters and ease of collecting. They’re also relatively inexpensive, particularly the mini 3.5″ ones which cost only $5.95 at the Disney Store (mediums are $12.95 and large tsum tsums are $24.95).

I currently own the original trilogy collection as well as The Phantom Menace ensemble, and I plan on getting The Force Awakens collection which just came out in the U.S. June 21st. There’s also no way I’m missing the Tatooine group, if for no reason other than it has my favorite character, Obi Wan Kenobi, in it.

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Do any of you collect Star Wars tsum tsums? What do you think of this new collection? I’m happy to see Disney branching out beyond movie themed collections and breaking out more niche ensembles, like the Tatooine one. There are unlimited possibilities for such groupings, like a bounty hunter collection, a The Clone Wars collection, and eventually one from Rogue One. What are your ideas? Share them with us in the comments below.