J.J. Abrams Wants A Knights Of Ren Standalone Star Wars Movie


When asked what he would like to see in a future Star Wars standalone film, The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams suggested a Knights of Ren story.

Rogue One, first live action standalone Star Wars film made under the partnership of Lucasfilm and Disney comes out in December, and with its release opens the floodgates for potential future Star Wars stories. In adding his own voice to the throng of suggestions, J.J. Abrams expressed an  idea for a spinoff film which would connect directly to the story he helped create for The Force Awakens: a Knights of Ren story.

While speaking to Collider about Star Trek Beyond, for which Abrams is producer, Abrams responded to the question of what he would like to see in a future Star Wars anthology movie.

"“I gotta say Kathy Kennedy, who’s running it all, she seems to be pushing all the right buttons. There isn’t something that I’d love to see—I guess the one thing I would say is there’s a Knights of Ren story that I think would be pretty cool to tell.”"

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“Pretty cool” is an understatement. It has been eight months since The Force Awakens premiered in theaters, and we still don’t know any more about the mysterious Knights of Ren cult then we did before December 18th, 2015. We know that Kylo Ren is their master, and that he, at least, is obsessed with Darth Vader. The Knights, however, predate Kylo according to Adam Driver (via LA Times), which presents the question of why they are loyal to him. If they, too, are obsessed with Vader, they likely see Kylo as the Sith lord’s heir and are willing to accept him as their leader because of his lineage. That theory, in turn, leads into one we have here at Dork Side, in which we speculate the Knights are not Force sensitive. A lack of Force sensitivity would render their devotion to the comparatively powerful Kylo and possibly Vader more worshipful, and therefore more fanatical and dangerous.

But beyond speculation and what little Abrams has revealed about the group in past interviews, we know virtually nothing of the Knights. A standalone film about their origins would be fascinating, though I could see a book or a comic series happening before a spinoff movie. There are so many stories branching off of the older Star Wars films, I am not sure Lucasfilm wants to turn to one of their new ones right away for a big screen spinoff.

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What do you think of a Knights of Ren spinoff movie? Is there another medium you would prefer to have that story told in? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.