George Lucas Reads The Marvel Star Wars And Han Solo Comics


At SDCC, it was revealed George Lucas reads every issue of Marvel’s Star Wars, and recently he asked to buy prints of pages from the Han Solo miniseries.

While George Lucas has stepped back from the filmmaking portion of Star Wars, he still keeps up with other content mediums in the galaxy far, far away.

At least, that’s what we gather from the revelation at San Diego Comic Con that he reads Marvel Star Wars, and the recent news that he asked the artist for Marvel’s Han Solo comicbook miniseries to sell him every original page from the first two issues (via Comicbook Resources).

In 2015, George was spotted at a comicbook store buying the first issue of Marvel’s Star Wars (via Comicbook). Earlier this month, at the Marvel’s Cup o’ Joe panel (livetweeted by Star Wars Underworld) at SDCC, C.B. Cebulski, an editor at Marvel, said he had recently spoken to George and that George said he still reads the ongoing Marvel Star Wars series and enjoys it.

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But George reads more than just that one series, apparently. Today, Mark Brooks, the artist on Han Solo, revealed George’s request for the original pages of the first two issues of Han Solo in a Facebook post.

"Got an e-mail last night from Lucasfilm saying that George Lucas would like to purchase every original page from Han Solo #1 and #2. Surreal is an understatement."

It’s nice to see the creator of Star Wars hasn’t completely cut himself off from the franchise he so loved. What’s cool about being George Lucas right now is he can enjoy the stories being told in his universe by a new group of fresh minds, without having to stress out about it himself. He also won’t get another Death Star-ton (or maybe Starkiller Base-ton?) of backlash from angry fans for some perceived offense, as he has constantly for the past seventeen years.

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Also, if George Lucas’s enjoyment of the Star Wars and Han Solo comics isn’t a good enough recommendation for you to pick them up yourself, I obviously don’t know what constitutes a “good” recommendation. I know I’ll definitely be reading them now.