Empire’s Exclusive Rogue One Subscriber’s Issue Features K-2SO

Empire Magazine’s Rogue One-themed issue is releasing August 25th, but the exclusive subscriber’s cover has been revealed.

“The captain says you are a friend. I will not kill you.”

The droid who spoke the above line in the first full length Rogue One trailer is the focus of the cover of an upcoming issue of Empire Magazine. Only subscribers to the magazine can obtain K-2SO’s cover, which makes sense since K-2 is a former Imperial security enforcer (yes, pun intended).

Check out the cover below.

via Empire Online

The cover is the third to be revealed by the entertainment news source, who is kicking off a Rogue One coverage spree with the release of a Rogue One-themed issue on August 25th. The first two covers can be purchased by non-subscribers and subscribers alike, and feature the main heroes and villains of the film.

via Empire Online

via Empire Online

Empire has a bevy of new Star Wars content to share in their new issue. Their coverage of Rogue One will include interviews with the cast and crew, as well as a behind the scenes look at the making of Disney’s first live action Star Wars standalone movie.

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Kaytoo has a presence on camera which begs to be shown off on a magazine cover. The man who performed the motion capture and voice for the droid, Alan Tudyk, described him to StarWars.com as “a bit too honest.” As evidenced by the recent Rogue One trailer, Kaytoo is not shy about sharing his feelings. He is also, at over 7 feet tall, impossible to ignore. With a past as an Imperial security enforcer, whose job was to enforce order, Kaytoo is likely to be a dangerous foe, as well.

Fortunately, his Imperial programming has been wiped by his best friend, Captain Cassian Andor of the Rebel Alliance. Any havoc he wreaks will be in the name of the Rebellion, not for his former masters.

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Look forward to more information about K-2SO in Empire’s Rogue One issue, coming to store shelves August 25th.