Watch The Final Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer

Jyn Erso, Galen Erso, Director Orson Krennic, Darth Vader… it’s all in the official second full Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer! Watch it here!

Yesterday, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards promised us a new trailer for the upcoming standalone Star Wars movie. It did not disappoint by any stretch of the imagination. Watch it for yourself below:

There are so many awesome things in this new trailer, we’ll be talking about them for days. We’ve got Galen Erso and his daughter, a younger version of Felicity Jones’s character Jyn Erso. We’ve got some of the supporting characters actually speaking. We learned “Rogue One” is the rebels’ callsign for the Death Star mission. And we’ve got full glimpses of Darth Vader himself.

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The biggest takeaway from this trailer for me was the emotion at the heart of Rogue One. This movie isn’t going to be a dry war story filled with nothing but pretty explosions and Darth Vader destroying everything. Like every good Star Wars movie, there will be heart, drama, love, hate, pain, suffering. I’m also relieved to know Jyn is going to be a three-dimensional character and not solely defined by the smug attitude we saw displayed so prominently in the previous trailers.

There are lots of Easter eggs throughout the trailer you might not notice on the first watch. For example, there are hands of a giant statue half buried in sand, and Darth Vader’s reflection in red before we see him walking towards Director Krennic some seconds later. We’ll be on the lookout for more as we watch the trailer over and over again.

Next: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Theatrical Poster

Keep checking Dork Side throughout the day as we provide you with GIF breakdowns and analyses of all the cool stuff we saw in the final trailer for Rogue One. Also, remember the movie’s premiere in theaters is just a little over two months away!