Rogue One Press Junket From France Reveals New Photos and Information

Thanks to a reported press junket from France, a plethora of all-new hi-res photos from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story have been released…

Website Star Wars News Net has turned us on to a reported press junket released in France that revealed some all-new hi-res photos of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. And, while some of the photos have been seen before, through other venues like magazine articles and trailers, these photos come free of watermarks and as mentioned, are completely high definition.

The 20 photos first popped up on French site Mulderville, who tweeted and Facebooked them.

Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) and Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen).

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Jyn with Chirrut and Baze.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Jyn talks to the leaders of the Rebellion.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

K-2SO (Alan Tudyk)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

The Death Star rotates the planet Jedha.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

An X-Wing attacks the Shield Gate guarding the Imperial planet of Scarif.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

A U-Wing jumps into Hyperspace.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

The Empire patrols the streets of Jedha in an Imperial tank.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Imperial Officers and Death Troopers await someone in the rain.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Death Troopers fire on Rebel forces in battle.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Shoretroopers and Stormtroopers attack Rebel forces in battle.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

Additionally, it appears as if has updated its databank entries for several Rogue One characters, as The Star Wars Underworld has pointed out.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm


The efforts of the Rebellion have drawn warriors from across the galaxy, fighting to liberate their homes and free their people from the oppression of the Empire. Though Bistan wants to ensure the freedom of fellow lakaru, truth is, he’d rather fight no matter what, relishing the thrill of action.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm


An amphibious Dr Tabata, the fierce commando Pao charges into battle with the Empire while shouting a full-throated battle cry of “Sa´kalla!” as is his custom. He joins the Rogue One team on its historic mission to secure the Death Star plans.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm


Moroff seeks out combat zones in the galaxy to sell his brawn and firepower to anyone who might need it. Not interested in the details of the Empire versus rebels conflict, the mighty Gigoran mercenary figures there’s money to be made for a towering heavy gunner of great strength.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm


Edrio Two Tubes is a mercenary pilot who flies alongside his eggmate, Benthic. They share the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allows Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio’s native world of Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. With a desire to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic have allied with Saw Gerrera.

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There are more updates to the databanks on, and I highly suggest you go check them out before going to see Rogue One on December 16, as there is some great information there.

We want to hear from you: What do you think of all these photos and new information on the new aliens in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story? Let us know in the comments below and on social media.