Darth Vader Rogue One Scene Leaks Online (SPOILERS)


You knew it would happen, as soon as the advance screenings of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story finished, fans would be flocking to the internet to upload camera shots of scenes from the film, and this is how we have Darth Vader’s Rogue One scene for you spoiler hounds….

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has already opened in theaters across the globe. Fans of the very first Star Wars standalone film have to wait until December 16, to see the film but many have taken to places like Instagram to upload short videos of scenes from the movie taken on their camera phones.

And thus we have the very first Rogue One video leak of the year. It’s one of Darth Vader’s scenes, and let me say, you have never seen the Dark Lord of the Sith do anything like this on film.

The leak comes from Redditor altec-warrior who uploaded the video this morning.

Before we proceed, this is your last warning: Rogue One Spoilers Below

We can’t actually show you the video, as that would put us in a world of trouble, but I can give you a brief description, without going into too much detail.

Remember when Entertainment Weekly‘s own Anthony Breznican said there was a Darth Vader scene that was horrifying? Well, this is it.

A brief description: Darth Vader is after the stolen Death Star plans and it appears he has boarded a Rebel Alliance ship to get them. There is a room with a group of rebels, holding the plans on a chip, with doors at both ends locked. The lights are out and Vader’s breathing can be heard over the terrified screams of the rebels. What happens next is a scene of pure carnage.

We don’t how long the video will stay up, so if you want to see it, then get over and watch Darth Vader like you’ve never seen him before.

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We want to hear from you: What did you think of this leaked Darth Vader scene from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story? Let us know in the comments below and on social media.