Dave Filoni Teases What to Expect When Star Wars Rebels Returns in January 2017

When Star Wars Rebels returns for the second half of Season 3, on January 7, there will be at least one connection to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, as well as some very interesting storylines, according to Executive Producer, Dave Filoni…

The first half of Disney XD’s Star Wars Rebels was a mixed bag of serious and darker toned storylines, with a smattering of the usual silliness we’ve come to expect from the show, since its first season. Star Wars Rebels takes place between the events following Revenge of the Sith, and A New Hope, meaning this group of rebels helped to spark the rebellion that brought down the Galactic Empire.

Image Credit: Lucasfilm

If you’ve seen Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, then you know by now that the film was filled with Star Wars Rebels Easter Eggs. The rebels’ ship, the Ghost was in the film, as well as the group’s feisty droid, Chopper. And, in what many consider to be the crown jewel of Star Wars Rebels Easter Eggs in Rogue One, Hera Syndulla was called over a loudspeaker, with a new rank in the Rebel Alliance, of General.

Now, Star Wars Rebels Executive Producer, Dave Filoni has chimed in and confirmed Hera’s new rank, in Rogue One, as well as some other interesting bits of information. In a post on his Facebook page, Filoni revealed some of his original artwork, titled “Three Wizards,” and gave some insight into Season 3B.

"So now you know Chopper and Hera make it to Yavin- but will the rest of the Ghost crew?"

Could Jedi Knight, Kanan Jarrus, and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger be dead by the events of Rogue One? And what about Sabine, the fierce Mandalorian warrior? This is a great point of contention among Star Wars fans, as the Original Star Wars Trilogy, as well as The Force Awakens, goes to great lengths to say that Luke Skywalker is the last Jedi. However,

However, the question remains: How reliable is that information? And, speaking of The Force Awakens, in that film, we learned that just because someone possesses Force powers, or is Force-sensitive, does not mean they are a Jedi or Sith. Case in point: Maz Kanata has Force powers, but chose not to become a Jedi. Conversely, Kylo Ren (Ben Solo) is powerful in the Dark Side of the Force but is not identified as a Sith.

Filoni also mentions the appearance of Saw Gerrera (voiced by Forest Whitaker) in Season 3B. Here’s a brief clip showing the original rebel in action, narrated by Filoni himself:

Add in the fact that Maul is now heading to Tatooine to find his old nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, with designs to kill the Jedi Master, Sabine learning to use the Dark Saber, as well as Grand Admiral Thrawn’s ultimate plan coming to fruition, and the ingredients for a very exciting and action-packed Season 3B are all there. We can’t wait.

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We want to hear from you: Are you excited for all the action heading our way in Star Wars Rebels Season 3B? What are you looking forward to most? Let us know in the comments below and on social media.