You Can Win a Trip to Star Wars Celebration 2017 in Orlando

The 2017 Star Wars Celebration will be held in Orlando, Florida, starting April 13, and ending on April 16, and you can win a trip to the event!

Random House Books is offering Star Wars fans the ultimate opportunity to attend the 2017 Star Wars Celebration, in Orlando, Florida, where Disney World is located, which should make for a grand time now that Lucasfilm and Star Wars are part of the Disney family. All you need to do is visit the Random House Star Wars Celebration Sweepstakes page and enter to win.

This year, much like the past two Star Wars Celebrations, promises to be chocked full of huge reveals for the future of the Star Wars Cinematic Universe, as well as Star Wars books/comics, and new video games.

Grand Prize Includes:

Image Credit: Random House & Lucasfilm

  • Two 4-day adult tickets to Star Wars Celebration
  • Round-trip airfare and hotel accommodations in Orlando
  • Two copies of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander Freed
  • A set of 3 Rogue One Wobblers from Funko

In 2015 we got a second, and very impressive, Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, as well as the announcement for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. And, in 2016, we got announcements for Han Solo, as well as a very cool Celebration Sizzle Reel for Rogue One.

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Now, with Star Wars: Episode VIII looming large in December of this new year, and with Lucasfilm President, Kathleen Kennedy promising footage for Episode VIII (most likely the first trailer) in the Spring of this year, the 2017 Star Wars Celebration has the potential to be huge.