Donald Glover Calls Lando Calrissian Role in Young Han Solo Movie “A Big Deal”

Actor Donald Glover is excited to take on the role of his first childhood toy; Lando Calrissian.

We’ve known since this past October that actor and comedian Donald Glover had been cast in iconic role of Lando Calrissian in the upcoming Han Solo standalone film. Glover had remained largely mum about the role, but in some of his first comments about taking the role of Lando Calrissian, Glover told Deadline that,

"Lando’s a big deal. He’s the first toy I ever got."

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First toys can be a formative experiences (See Woody the Cowboy), so what a rush it has to be for the young actor to now be taking on the role that played such a huge part in his childhood. Many actors might shy away from such an iconic role, but Glover believes he can make the role his own.

"It’s interesting, when you have something iconic in a range when people pay attention to it, it’s hard. You want to live up to the expectation, but you can only live up to your own."

Glover naturally seems to have a more comedic lean in the roles he’s played thus far in his career, but he’s certainly shown the charisma to pull of the role made famous by Billy Dee Williams. Likewise, Glover appears eager and excited to get to work on the Han Solo standalone film, set for release in December of 2018, nearly two full years from now.

"I just want to have fun. I know the directors Phil (Lord) and Chris (Miller) and I love the guy (Alden Ehrenreich) who is playing Han. It’s gonna be a fun time."

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With production kicking into gear this year for the film, we can hope that Glover gets to have the fun he’s so looking forward to. (And also make a great movie.) The success of Rogue One will likely bring pressure to bear on the Han Solo film to succeed at the same level, but the pressure doesn’t seem likely to affect Glover, considering how important the role appears to be to the young actor.