Star Wars helps Hasbro break long standing sales record

Impressive. Most impressive. Hasbro recently reported record earnings, thanks in large part to the company’s partnership with Walt Disney, the parent company of Lucasfilm.

94 years into selling toys, Hasbro has achieved a major sales record; 5 billion dollars in sales for 2016 according to Fortune. Additionally, Hasbro sales stand in stark contrast primary competitor, Mattel who reported lackluster results in the fourth quarter of 2016. The Force is strong with this one.  Chief Executive Brian Goldner during the results presentation told reporters,

"We finished the year strong. Hasbro ranked number one in the industry for the month of December, among the top nine markets tracked by NPD… Importantly, the industry is growing and continued to grow through 2016."

Image Credit: Hasbro (cropped by Elaine Tveit)

One reason for Hasbro’s success in the fourth quarter? Star Wars of course. With the December release of The Force Awakens in 2015, and  Rogue One coming out in December of 2016, has led to strong returns for the toymaker. Toys for each film were released weeks and months before the films hit theaters, providing Hasbro with some of the hottest toys on the markets each holiday season.

The fourth quarter has become something of a quandary for toymakers, as shoppers have tended to group their purchases around Black Friday and the week immediately before Christmas. Hasbro has avoided that problem thanks in no small part to the annual release of a Star Wars film and the related merchandise. 2017 should continue that trend, with the December release of The Last Jedi. 

Image Credit: Hasbro

In addition to its Star Wars property line, Hasbro’s partnership with Disney’s Princess line, as well as its Marvel characters, which includes the Avengers, Spider-Man, and the like.

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If that was not enough, Hasbro of course also produces the Transformers franchise and My Little Pony. Now that’s starting to sound a bit unfair.