SPOILER: Possible Description For New Planet In Star Wars: The Last Jedi

SPOILER ALERT: A possible description of a new planet introduced in Star Wars: The Last Jedi has surfaced courtesy of Making Star Wars.

This article contains potential spoilers for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. If you want to avoid any world descriptions or plot points, unconfirmed or not, for The Last Jedi, please do not scroll any further.

Making Star Wars is known for breaking news obtained through inside sources about the production and stories of upcoming Star Wars films. This site is our source for the following description of a new planet in The Last Jedi.

According to Making Star Wars’s intel, one of the new planets introduced in Episode VIII is described as “Mars with snow on it.”

Jason Ward, editor in chief of MSW, shared further details:

"“The way I heard the set described, it was like Mars, a red ground, but covered with a light layer of snow, especially on the banks and rim of a hallway-sized trench… We heard the interiors were not unlike Starkiller Base in the sense that you can see the Death Star-style tech and architecture blending in with the rocks and natural environment.”"

Basically, the new planet (if MSW’s sources are correct) is a cross between Geonosis and Mygeeto from Revenge of the Sith.

Ward believes the Mars-like planet is the new home base of the First Order in Episode VIII. Apparently, the First Order has an affinity for snow.

As always with unconfirmed spoilers, please take this description with a grain of salt. However, Making Star Wars is usually right about their spoilers. So don’t completely discount the description, either.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi enters theaters December 15th, 2017.