Make A Wish Foundation Gets Young Star Wars Fan A Skype Call With Mark Hamill

A young Star Wars fan with a rare disease got to Skype with Star Wars actor Mark Hamill thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

Bo Velarde-Chan got the opportunity of a lifetime to Skype call Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill, thanks to the Make-a-Wish Foundation (via WZZM-13).

Bo suffers from a rare condition called Microvillus Inclusion Disease. The disease only affects 18 people worldwide. But Bo doesn’t let it stop him from pursuing his passion. And that passion is Star Wars.

Make-a-Wish’s journey to making Bo’s dreams come true began with giving him and his family a free trip on a Disney cruise. As Bo and his family waited to board the plane to Orlando, the local airport announced his name on the loudspeaker. Then eight costumed Star Wars characters emerged from the bridge to their jet to greet him. WZZM-13, who reported Bo’s story, says Bo spent “30 minutes interacting with the characters and posing for pictures.”

WZZM-13’s story about Bo caught the eye of Mark Hamill, who tweeted his support of the young fan’s health struggle. This tweet set off a chain of events, including direct contact with the Make-a-Wish foundation who coordinated a Skype call between Hamill and Bo.

Watch the wonderful exchange between Hamill and Bo in the video from WZZM-13 below.

Mark Hamill is the greatest. I love that he took the time to talk to this little boy. And Bo is absolutely charming. He asked Hamill what his favorite food is; if Luke Skywalker dies in The Last Jedi; who Rey’s father is, and more (and no, Hamill did not answer the last two).

The Make-a-Wish Foundation often partners with the Walt Disney Company to grant wishes to kids with life-threatening diseases. They help Bo and other kids meet their heroes and go on amazing adventures, like Disney cruises. If you would like to donate to this non-profit organization, head to

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May the Force be with you, Bo!