Star Wars: The Last Jedi introduces fans to the galaxy’s rich upper class at Canto Bight


Star Wars: The Last Jedi gives audiences a taste of the galaxy’s rich upper class in a new location full of glitz, glamor and aliens.

Canto Bight is the place to be in the galaxy, far, far away for the rich and famous. And grubby Resistance fighters Finn and Rose Tico have to infiltrate it in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson described the casino-like location, which he created specifically for this film:

"“[Canto Bight is] a Star Wars Monte Carlo–type environment, a little James Bond–ish, a little To Catch a Thief,” the director said. “It was an interesting challenge, portraying luxury and wealth in this universe.”"

Canto Bight is a place for beings with large pocketbooks. You can see the wealth dripping like the drape of their clothes off the humans and non-humans in the two photos below, which were captured by photographer Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair‘s recent Episode VIII spread.

Image credit: Vanity Fair (photograph by Annie Leibovitz)

Image credit: Vanity Fair (photograph by Annie Leibovitz)

Notice that in each photo is an ordinary-looking man sitting on the floor, rather incongruous with his surroundings. The man in the first picture is Michael Kaplan, the costume designer on The Last Jedi. The man in the second picture, meanwhile, is Neal Scanlan, the creative supervisor of Lucasfilm’s creature shop. The presence of the two men in the photos emphasizes the fact that the costumes, like the ones Kaplan creates, are not just for humans. The aliens from Lucasfilm’s creature shop aren’t just bar patrons and shady bounty hunters. They, like human beings, can ooze wealth, and wine and dine as the best of those who frequent Canto Bight.

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But Canto Bight’s patrons will get a bit of a surprise in The Last Jedi when their company is disrupted by two decidedly non-elite persons. Finn (John Boyega) and Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) visit (or perhaps infiltrate) Canto Bight during the film. Though Johnson did not say what their purpose there is, it is easy to imagine. They may be looking for an enemy or perhaps a Resistance informant. Whatever their reason for going, it likely connects to some mystery afoot in the film.

But Finn and Rose may not be embarking on this mission alone. I could see General Leia donning her best fashion, too, and mixing and mingling with the Canto Bight patrons like she is one of them. Resistance Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (Laura Dern), a new character with bright purple hair and luscious robes, would also look perfectly in place in this glitzy location. (She would also make a great reason for Finn and Rose to go to Canto Bight. They could ask her for help, or eliminate her if she is a traitor.)

What do you think of Canto Bight? Tell us in the comments below.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters on December 15, 2017.