Colin Trevorrow asked Rian Johnson to shoot an extra scene for The Last Jedi

In a recent interview, Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow revealed he asked The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson to shoot an extra scene for the latter film.

In an interview on MTV’s Happy Sad Confused podcast, Star Wars: Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow revealed that he asked a special favor of The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson: to shoot an extra scene.

When asked if he requestedJohnson to make changes to The Last Jedi script as Johnson asked J.J. Abrams to change The Force Awakens, Trevorrow answered (via /Film):

"“There was one little thing. It wasn’t an adjustment, it was just ‘Could you shoot this one extra thing while you’re in this place on this day?’ And he did, which was great. But, y’know, it’s part of the collaborative process that exists – everyone is in communication.”"

Presumably, this “one extra thing” Trevorrow asked Johnson to shoot connects the story of The Last Jedi to the story of Episode IX. Trevorrow and Lucasfilm have been hard at work on the screenplay for IX, since it required total revamping after Carrie Fisher’s death in December 2016. Apparently, they made a lot of progress if Trevorrow already knows what he needs to connect this year’s Star Wars film to his in 2019.

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As to what this extra scene contains, the idea that immediately comes to mind is a scene which sets up General Leia’s fate. Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy already stated that Carrie Fisher will not appear in any form in IX, which rules out a CG double. Meanwhile, Trevorrow said in another interview that IX will treat Leia with “love and respect. So Leia’s fate will obviously be addressed to some capacity in IX, just without her appearing on-screen. Thus, it makes sense if Trevorrow wants to set up whatever he is planning for her in The Last Jedi so her absence in IX is not so jarring or inexplicable.

Since we don’t know the plot of The Last Jedi or Episode IX, it is almost impossible to guess what connections between the two that extra scene makes. My best speculation is it has something to do with Leia.

What do you think the extra scene will do for The Last Jedi and Episode IX? Comment below.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters on December 15, 2017. Episode IX is currently scheduled to premiere on May 24, 2019.

H/T: Making Star Wars