New toy set reveals dialogue for Snoke in The Last Jedi


Star Wars fans have been itching to know the identity of the shadowy Snoke, but we don’t know a whole lot about him…

Entertainment Weekly’s Star Wars correspondent Anthony Breznican, in a recent The Last Jedi feature, revealed there will be more of the shadowy Supreme Leader Snoke in the upcoming film.

We might not have to wait until December to learn more about Snoke, however. A new BB-8 featured toy-set, which also includes Snoke, his throne-room, and his Praetorian guards, reveals some possible lines from the mysterious humanoid who hails from the Unknown Regions.

The toy-set is projected for release around the time Force Friday II kicks off later this week, but a  Walmart employee got his hands on the new set, where he reveals on his Vimeo account and on Star Wars Leaks on Reddit, some details on Snoke and his elite-samurai styled guards.

The Snoke action-figure reveals some lines, that may be spoken in The Last Jedi.

*Possible Spoilers Ahead* 

Snoke’s dialogue goes as follows:

“There’s been an awakening.”

“We will crush them once and for all.”

“The resistance will soon be in our grasp.”

“For you, all is lost.”

“Your emotions have made you weak.”

 “I have been expecting you.”

The Praetorian Guards have no dialogue but have some cool “electrified fighting sounds”, which means they could be part droid or similar to the Guavian Death gang in The Force Awakens, with special modifications made to them.

Photo credit Lucasfilm and Entertainment Weekly.

Snoke’s lines that really jump out to me are “for you, all is lost”, “your emotions have made you weak”, and “I have been expecting you”.

The middle line is, in my opinion, most definitely is uttered to Kylo Ren, since that was a major struggle for the character in Episode VII. Could this mean that Snoke is training Kylo in the arts of the Dark Side when that line is spoken? We can only hope!

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The other dialogue has three characters in whom Snoke could be addressing if those lines make the final cut of the film: Luke, Leia, and/or Rey.

“For you, all is lost”.

The possibilities are endless in what could be going on in this viable scene. Could it be that Snoke captures Rey and he then taunts her? Or to Leia following a major defeat of the Resistance at the hands of the ruthless First Order? Even worse, could he be saying this to Rey or Leia after he’s killed Luke himself?

Also, who could Snoke be expecting while waiting for them in his throne room? Sounds familiar to the Emperor in Return of the Jedi, doesn’t it?

Next: 50 Most Memorable Moments from Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Find out for yourself when The Last Jedi hits theaters this December.