The Last Jedi: New image of Luke could reveal ancient clues


A new image of Luke Skywalker is released in promotion of The Last Jedi.

As we get closer and closer to the release of The Last Jedi, we now have two trailers, lots of pictures, and even more reveals from various websites on the internet, Twitter being one of the biggest.

One of the latest photos is of Luke standing in front of what looks to be a collection of books, which we received during USA Today’s most recent The Last Jedi feature.

After all these years and all these movies, this is a first, paper. Never before in the history of Star Wars have we ever seen a physical document in the hands of any character. For something so minuscule, this is huge. The temple that Luke found must be ancient.

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The more important point is though: that’s all he got out of there? Just a hand full of books? Is that all he thought was relevant to the new age of the Jedi?

Or worse yet, did the First Order follow him there and destroy the temple and that’s all he was able to save?

We do see his hand emerge from a pile of wood, which is also inconsistent with the age of Star Wars. Do we go from tall skyscrapers and gleaming cities to wooden buildings and paper books?

Instead we see a Jedi Temple made out wood. The same one Luke was looking for sometime before the events of The Force Awakens. The First Order must have caught up to him, destroyed it before he could stop, where Luke saved what little he had found.

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It won’t be until December 15 that we will hopefully get all the answers we need whenever The Last Jedi hits the big screens. What are your thoughts on paper now being brought into the Star Wars universe?

Is this wooden building, that Luke is buried in his former sanctuary? I vote Jedi Temple. Tell us in the comments below and on our social media pages your thoughts on the matter.