The Last Jedi: A Skywalker holiday family reunion


Stars Wars: The Last Jedi could have a reunion for the ages.

With today being Thanksgiving, it seems appropriate to have an article about family and the bond that it shares. A time of thankfulness for what we truly have in this world. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is one of those blessings, which will be here before we know it.

Luke Skywalker. Leia Organa Solo. The Skywalker twins. I can’t name a more popular brother-sister combo than these two. They have a bond that is deeper than most siblings share today.

According to EW and Anthony Breznican, Leia and Luke may or may not meet up in The Last Jedi. Rian Johnson isn’t, yet, willing to share those details with us, but we can only hope it does happen.

Photo Credit: Lucasfilm, Entertainment Weekly

Hamill: “Luke longs to have that extended family that he established in the original trilogy, but now he’s at a place in his life and in his history where he’s shunned all of that.”

Luke and Leia have been through hell together and came out on the other side still standing. Mark Hamill reminds us that we really haven’t seen much of that family bond on screen. At least, not yet.

"It was only at the end of Jedi that they became of aware of this bond. The real bond is that they’re Luke and Leia. They’ve gone through this adventure together. They’ve been through some rough stuff together."

The sad part of this movie is that they may not be reunited before the end of it, with the death of Carrie Fisher and Disney stating that they won’t use her likeness for future content.

Leia also has given the reins controlling the Resistance to Admiral Holdo and Poe Dameron, while she is on a mission with a more personal aspect. Since Carrie Fisher passed away after the filming of The Last Jedi was complete, Disney and Lucasfilm have to work with what they’ve got.

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If they were able to get some scenes with them together, then we will be blessed in seeing them on the screen together for the first time since 1983. The iconic duo will have finally been reunited.

With this being the last Star Wars film Carrie Fisher will ever be in, it makes it even more vital and heartbreaking. But, what better way to send her off then having Leia save Luke this time around?

With Luke in self-exile on Ahch-To, maybe Leia is going to be the one that mentally brings him back.

Will she venture to Luke on the island, seeking him out?

Luke may not need to be physically saved, but after the loss of his Padawan, his Jedi temple, and everything he had achieved and built since Return of the Jedi, he needs some assistance that only family can bring. Something only his twin sister and someone strong in the Force can offer. True hope.

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That brotherly/sisterly love can provide. A Luke Skywalker and Leia reunion is a must, especially since we will never see the big three on screen together again — Han, Leia, and Luke. Do you think they will be seen together again? Leave your thoughts on our Facebook page and have a great Thanksgiving!