Spoilers: The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary has leaked

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Photo Credit: Lucasfilm


When Rey arrives on Ahch-To and asks for Luke’s help, he slams the door in her face, refusing the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker.

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Rey begins training on her own, and ventures across much of the island, uncovering some secrets of the Force.

  • Rey discovers that she has seen Ahch-To in visions her entire life
  • After much persistence, Luke agrees to teach Rey the ways of the Force
  • Kylo Ren and Rey share a bond, one that Rey senses, but Skywalker cannot
  • During her training, Rey senses the emotions of Luke’s past learners, including Ben Solo
  • Rey not only pilots the Falcon but will act as a gunner, like Luke in A New Hope 
  • We will learn why Rey’s parents abandoned her
  • Rey will have a similar experience like Luke did within the cave of Dagaboh, learning more about the Dark Side in the process

Next: Rey’s parents might have been revealed in Battlefront II

Wow. Just wow. With the long week ahead until The Last Jedi and it’s release, this will hold us over in the meantime, that’s for sure.

Presenting more questions than answers, this Star Wars Visual Guide will be a must buy when it hits stores next week, making a fine addition to our collection. What are your thoughts on these leaked spoilers? Tell us on our various social media outlets and in the comments below.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres worldwide, December 15.