Star Wars: The Last Jedi receives high praise from initial viewers


Star Wars: The Last Jedi initial impressions are off the charts, even as high as Anakin Skywalker’s Midi-chlorian count.

All of Hollywood’s elite, and a select few fans, were out in full “Force” for the Red Carpet Premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. 

Lucasfilm and Disney went all out for the event, even having a Canto Bight casino themed afterparty. The film itself was the highlight of the Red Carpet extravaganza though, with initial impressions of the film flooding Twitter shortly after the screening.

Virtually every single response to The Last Jedi is overwhelmingly positive, making us even more excited for next week’s release. EW’s Anthony Breznican provides us with most deep and in-depth impressions, also putting hearts at ease that The Last Jedi will not be just a remake of previous Star Wars films.

Breznican suggests going into your first showing of the spoiler-free, with Rian Johnson apparently taking us in a loop(er), of sorts.

Mark Hamill also mentioned the same truth in a recent interview, to expect the unexpected in The Last Jedi. Now, what Breznican means by “shatter” and “making us whole” is quite intriguing and promising.

The Force Awakens received highly positive reviews, but, the highest criticism is that it looked back to the past and not towards the future. Hearing words such as “unfamiliar” and “different” is a great sign.

For those of you who dive headfirst into all of the new canon material as we do, more stories leading up to and after The Last Jedi seem to be in the forecast.

John Campea is known for keeping it real, so his thoughts are ones to pay close attention to.

Campea’s reasoning could be that Finn defeats Phasma with ease, watering down a promising character even more than it was in The Force Awakens. After all the time and effort Lucasfilm put into creating a bad ass chromed Captain in canon material; Finn defeating Phasma effortlessly could garner such reaction.

More from Dork Side of the Force

A stairway to Geek heaven is the only place fans want to be on opening night, being mind-blown in the process.

With only about four days until the worldwide drop of The Last Jedi, avoiding spoilers is going to be vital in having a rich, full experience opening night.

If you have to stay off of social media, so be it, but going into a once in a lifetime film 100 % clean is the way to go.

If you feel the urges of the Dark Side calling, resist it, even if it means cutting yourself off from the world for a few days.

Go into Jedi exile on Dagobah or Ahch-To, if you must.

Next: Everything you need to prepare for TLJ

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres December 15, worldwide.