Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer hits home with all of them feels


The Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer hits home with all of them feels that only the Star Wars galaxy can provide.

Fellow Star Wars nerds, it’s finally here! The full-length trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story has officially dropped! Holy cow! I was excited about this movie before (because I love all things Star Wars and because I’ve been a fan of Alden Ehrenreich since Hail Caesar), but my excitement for this film has now, at least, tripled! Why? Well, let me tell you.

The overall tone of the trailer is enticing. It’s mysterious, much like the character of Han Solo himself. Really if you think about it, Han Solo is a pretty dark character. He shoots Greedo without warning (Han shot first!!!), he’s obviously got an extensive history with dangerous gangsters like Jabba the Hutt, he’s incredibly selfish, etc. And yet, he’s also the comic relief of the original trilogy. I think this tension is so beautifully captured in the trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

I love the tension of the relatively dark tone of the trailer with the light-hearted lines exchanged between characters like Solo and Chewie, or Solo and Lando.

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I’m sure some fans will disagree with me vehemently, but I think Ehrenreich does a good job of capturing the character of Han Solo. His Han Solo is charming, witty, and daring. While no one will ever be Harrison Ford, I think that Ehrenreich does a good job of emulating the essence of Ford’s performance.

Also, I’m freaking pumped about Paul Bettany’s part in this film. I think he is a vastly underrated actor and I can’t wait to see what he does in this film. Also, I’m dying to know if he’s somehow connected to the Cloud-Riders!

And what’s more, I loved getting another glimpse of Emilia Clarke’s character (whatever you feel about the movie, can we admit that she’s fantastic?!) and, friends, I must agree with her, Alden Ehrenreich does look good. Whether you think he does an accurate Solo or not, I think we can at least agree with Clarke’s characters on that front.

I’m probably going to have to watch that trailer at least a dozen more times before I can gather my thoughts and coherently express all my feelings on the matter, but I am excited.

Next: Solo trailer Twitter reactions are priceless!

What about you guys? Did you love the trailer or not? If you did, what were your favorite parts? What are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments!

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theatres May 25, worldwide.