Solo: A Star Wars Story initial screening reactions are very promising

Initial reactions to the first wave of screenings for Solo: A Star Wars Story are very promising, according to the film’s director Ron Howard.

Solo: A Star Wars Story is nearly a month away, folks. Let that sink in. We are about to see two Star Wars movies within a six month period for the first time. What at a time to be alive and to be a Star Wars fan!

If you weren’t excited enough already, or, if you needed a bit more convincing, the film’s director Ron Howard has shown the final product of a movie to a select group of audiences — to get a feel for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

The verdict?

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Naturally, a film’s director is going to speak positively about his project, so people will go and see it. But, with Ron Howard’s wholesome presence and kind nature, it’s hard not to believe him.

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In fact, the moment Lucasfilm announced that Ron Howard was taking over Solo: A Star Wars Story, I felt at peace. A calm, of sorts. Honestly, when Phil Lord and Chris Miller were initially tasked with the job of landing the Falcon to safety, I had my concerns. I was not happy with the choice of Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm in selecting the duo for the project.

So, with the news of their departure and the arrival of Ron Howard, I was once again optimistic about Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Ever since, step by step, my confidence in Ron Howard continues to grow. His pure love and humility in taking on this Star Wars project are refreshing. It’s evident that he is genuinely excited about joining a galaxy far, far away and it shows thus far in all of the footage released.

Soon enough, we’ll find out for ourselves, with the wait just a handful of days away!

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Solo: A Star Wars Story premieres May 25, 2018, worldwide.

Dork Side of the Force journeyed aboard the Falcon to sunny Southern California, to Hollywood. We joined “Forces” with Denny’s for the Solo promotional kickoff. Check out our adventures!