Solo: A Star Wars Story is on pace to break records, but is still a failure?


The latest addition to a galaxy far, far away, Solo: A Star Wars Story, is projected to break box office records but is also considered to be a financial failure. So, which is it?

Solo: A Star Wars Story is finally here, with initial reactions from fans saying it all — that the film is loads of fun and much more!

Sadly, modern day films are judged by how much they make at the box office, with Solo: A Star Wars Story no exception to the rule. From initial ticket sales, Solo: A Star Wars Story was projected to shatter Memorial Day weekend box office records and still is on course to claim the top spot in that arena.

However, according to the Hollywood Reporter, opening weekend numbers for Solo: A Star Wars Story is doomed to fail. So, which is it?

Solo: A Star Wars Story is on pace to make between $80-$90 million during its first three days, while Star Wars: The Force Awakens boasted a record $248 million its opening weekend — now broken by Infinity War. Star Wars: The Last Jedi came in at $220 million opening weekend, which ranks in the top10 all-time in the same category.

Rogue One holds the second-best December total, behind only The Force Awakens. 

If Solo: A Star Wars Story falls short of its initial goal of around $170 million during its first weekend out, is it a failure?

It depends on your (certain) point of view. Comparing it to other Star Wars films, absolutely it does. But, comparing it to the cinema world in general, it’s a tremendous success.

How can a movie on pace to break records, become a failure? The Han Solo origins story is well-made film and delivers everything it was supposed to. It’s a fun summer blockbuster adventure, which also pays homage to the Star Wars fandom in a tremendous way.

The cast, including Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo, is flawless and brings the goods to the big screen. What else do you want from a Star Wars film? Solo: A Star Wars Story is far from a failure; quite the contrary.

Here’s hoping they turn this into a trilogy and we see Han Solo and Chewie adventures with Alden and Jonas for years to come!

Next: 35 Solo Easter eggs binding the galaxy together

Solo: A Star Wars Story is playing in theaters, worldwide.

Learn how to purchase tickets for Solo here.