George Lucas coached Alden Ehrenreich on his Han Solo performance


George Lucas spoke to Alden Ehrenreich about the magic of Star Wars and his performance as Han Solo in Solo: A Star Wars Story…

It’s no secret that Solo: A Star Wars Story experienced some bumps along its production journey, after the firing of the film’s original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller.

Despite the rocky start, I think that Alden Ehrenreich did a fantastic job as Han Solo.

He wasn’t a direct imitation of Harrison Ford, but he was his own version of the scruffy nerf herder we all love.

Apparently, part of Alden’s success can be attributed to the fact that he met with The Maker himself, George Lucas. According to Alden Ehrenreich:

"“George Lucas came by set. Then about a week or two ago, I got to go to Skywalker Ranch and I sat down with him for, like, an hour and talked to him about a lot of stuff like Han and Star Wars and everything.”"

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Can you imagine getting to talk with George Lucas about character development? What an honor! And, obviously, it paid off, because Ehrenreich delivered a delightful performance.

While at Skywalker Ranch, he talked to Alden about imagination and the role that plays in creating characters:

George Lucas talked a lot about the museum that he’s creating now, which is of narrative art and he was talking about Star Wars and different stories that help free up the imagination of children, to imagine circumstances. He was like,

"“You can’t do something if you can’t imagine it.’ And it was really interesting to hear him talk about the value of stories that transport us to another world or make us imagine a bigger and brighter and better life for ourselves.”"

Sign me up as someone who will definitely be attending that museum!

Anyway, I personally love that George Lucas is still involved in Star Wars even though he’s technically retired. Hopefully, he’ll continue to lend a guiding hand to those involved with future Star Wars projects!

There’s even speculation that his ideas for the sequel trilogy might be made into future Star Wars stories. I hope these ideas do come to fruition.

Next: Solo Easter eggs bind the galaxy together

Solo:Star Wars Story is playing in theaters, worldwide.

Learn how to purchase tickets for Solo here.