In 2016, the MCU gained a new addition to their team with the introduction of Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War, played by the then relatively unknown Tom Holland. Of course, that series helped to launch him into the stratosphere, and it seems like it was only fate that Holland would be cast in the role.
But a few months prior in 2015, Star Wars underwent a new phase of its life as well, adding several new characters into the franchise with the introduction of The Force Awakens. Of course, we know today that our sequel trio consists of Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega) and Poe (Oscar Isaac). Though, had things gone differently, the trio could have looked completely different — and it would have been Tom Holland taking one of the lead roles.
Speaking to Backstage, Holland recalled what it was like to audition for The Force Awakens. And, as it’s evident today, things didn’t necessarily go right. So what happened to make Holland lose the role? Here’s what he had to say to Backstage when asked about his audition horror story:
"I remember my audition for Star Wars, I was like four or five auditions in, and I think I was auditioning for John Boyega’s role. I remember doing this scene with this lady, bless her, and she was just a drone. So I was doing all of this, like, “We gotta get back to the ship!” And she was going, “Bleep, bloop bloop, bleep bloop.” I just couldn’t stop laughing. I found it so funny. And I felt really bad, because she was trying really hard to be a convincing android or drone or whatever they’re called. Yeah, I obviously didn’t get the part. That wasn’t my best moment."
Tom Holland nearly cast in Star Wars
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So, it looks like we could have gotten a pre-Chaos Walking reunion if both Daisy Ridley and Tom Holland were in the lead. And though we’re sure Holland was probably talented enough for the role, he just couldn’t seem to keep it together when it came to the audition.
(To be fair, hearing little droid noises during an audition is probably enough to make anyone want to burst into laughter.)
As it goes, the role of Finn ended up going to John Boyega. And now that Boyega is a Golden Globe-nominated actor, we couldn’t see the role going any other way. Both Boyega, Ridley and Oscar Isaac ended up forming a great relationship on set. And of course, Holland ended up getting the role of Peter Parker anyway, which has far outlasted the three sequel trilogy movies that were released.
Do you think Tom Holland would make a good Finn? Or do you think Holland is best as Spidey in the MCU? Let us know in the comments!