In first excerpt for The Fallen Star, Jedi are on the offensive against the Nihil – for now

Claudia Gray’s The Fallen Star cover. Photo:
Claudia Gray’s The Fallen Star cover. Photo: /

About a month out from the release of the newest novel in The High Republic campaign, Star Wars finally shared the first excerpt for Claudia Gray’s The Fallen Star — a book sure to be as devastating (if not more) than the heartbreaking events of Cavan Scott‘s The Rising Storm.

It’s been months since the chaotic and brutal attack by the Nihil of the Republic Fair on Valo and also the gutwrenching and inexplicable death of Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm mere moments after his escape from the Nihil’s clutches. Loden’s former padawan Bell Zettifar is still grieving but also feels a renewed sense of purpose — going after the Nihil, not for vengeance but to do “something, anything, to counteract the evil that had robbed his Master of his life.”

Despite the heartbreak and trauma our heroes have just experienced, the excerpt from The Fallen Star’s first pages is surprisingly — and suspiciously — optimistic. Despite the tragedies at Valo and Grizal, the Jedi firmly believe they are on the offensive with solid plans to snuff out the Nihil for good.

"“The Nihil were al­ready beaten, it seemed — Master Avar Kriss seemed on the verge of capturing their leader, the Eye, at any moment — but neither Bell nor the rest of the galaxy would be at peace until the threat had been laid to rest forever.The debacle at the Republic Fair months ago could’ve damaged con­fidence in the Republic — and in the Jedi — past repair. Instead the Nihil were now on the run. The corner had been turned. This entire part of the galaxy would soon be wholly safe once more.”"

But, when things are too quiet, that usually means something is wrong or is about to go very wrong.

The excerpt goes on to illustrate the hunt for the Nihil and the subsequent sneak attack led by Bell and fellow padawan Burryaga alongside Masters Indeera Stokes and Nib Assek. The mission ends relatively quickly and easily — maybe a bit too easily?

"“Sure, it was easy,” Bell agreed. “I don’t know if it was too easy, though. No point in worrying about it if the Nihil are finally collaps­ing.”"

Read the full, action-packed excerpt through

light. Related Story. The Rising Storm review: An emotional page-turner from beginning to end

Star Wars: The High Republic: The Fallen Star arrives Jan. 4, 2022, part of wave 3 of the initiative’s books and comics.