I've been thoroughly enjoying going through Season 1 of Star Wars Resistance with my young daughter Brooklyn. We recently just finished the 16th episode "The New Trooper," and she had some opinions to share.
Brooklyn has caught onto several things as she continues to watch the show. When we were watching "Secret and Holograms," she laughed when Torra's pet Buggles did anything funny. She also was very hopeful that Kaz would be able to spy properly, telling him to hide under the desk.
She also became very interested in the character Synara San, who is currently working under cover for the pirates. Brooklyn has shared in the past and continues to hope that she hopes Synrara will become good throughout the episodes we have watched. She also thinks Kazuda "Kaz" Xiono has a crush on Synara.
Towards the end of Synara's first arc on the show, Brooklyn thinks that the pirate has to be a good person because she likes to help people out. As I know what's coming in the show, I do not want to ruin the surprise of how Synara helps the Colossus and turns on the pirates eventually.
Her favorite episode did feature Synara but was more importantly about a smaller character. "Bibo" featured the mechanic Neeku Vozo who became attached to a small sea creature he names Bibo. However, the Colossus is soon attacked by a larger monster.
As the humongous creature attempts to attack the ship, Brooklyn had an observation that it must be Bibo's mom because of its tentacles and eyes. She noted this before Kaz and Neeku both figured it out, something that was a moment of pride as she was correct. She loved "Bibo" so much that we had to watch it a second time before we could continue.
She also has realized that she does not like the First Order, as they are putting pressure on the characters as they slowly invade the Colossus. Brooklyn thinks they're mean and doesn't like how they treat the heroes.
We are nearing the final five episodes of the first season, and I am looking forward to her reaction as the people of the Colossus come together to fight the First Order. What amazes me about watching the series as how the arcs for each character are incredibly strong.
The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels both were great series, but Resistance seems to have more of a central story with several strong and stable characters. It's a perfect family series for us to cozy up to as the spring snow and rain still come down outside.